P. 183

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes                         A

                                 The above format is exactly like KWOC  index, in which the user is required to read the entire chain
                                 every time to get the correct context.
                                 Steps in POPSI
                                 The index entries according to this system are generated in a systematic manner with the help of
                                 following steps of operation.
                                        1. Analysis
                                        2. Formalisation
                                        3. Modulation
                                        4. Standardisation
                                        5. Preparation of EOC
                                        6. Decision about TA
                                        7. Preparation of EAC
                                        8. Alphabetisation
                                 Let us examine these stages with the help of a sample title, ‘Chemical treatment of tuberculosis of
                                        1. Analysis:  Subject indicative expression, the starting point of index generation, may be
                                          the title of a paper, a book or any other document. According to the first stage of operation,
                                          the expression is analysed to identify the facets in terms of concepts and modifiers.
                                          Analysis of the above mentioned example will lead to the following:
                                                D   –   Medicine
                                                E   –   Lungs
                                                A   –   Chemical Treatment
                                                P   –   Tuberculosis
                                        2. Formalisation: In the stage of formalisation the sequence of components derived by
                                          analysis has to be decided. It involves the arrangement of component terms according to
                                          the principles of sequence of components indicating the status of each component term.
                                          Applying this principle, the components are sequenced in the following manner to obtain
                                          the basic chain:
                                          Medicine (D), Lungs (E), Tuberculosis (P of E), Chemical treatment (A on P)
                                        3. Modulation: Each of the component terms in the analysed and formalised subject
                                          headings is added some terms (if necessary) to make their understanding more clear. The
                                          above chain after modulation will be:
                                          Medicine (D), Man. Respiratory System. Lungs (E), Disease. Tuberculosis (P of E),
                                          Chemical treatment (A on P)

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