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Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         These are the type of events that have a more significant impact on society than annual average
                                 global temperature trends. Policy responses to climate variability and change should be flexible
                                 and sensible–The difficulty of prediction and the impossibility of verification of predictions decades
                                 into the future are important factors that allow for competing views of the long-term climate future.
                                 Therefore, the AASC recommends that policies related to long-term climate not be based on particular
                                 predictions, but instead should focus on policy alternatives that make sense for a wide range of
                                 plausible climatic conditions regardless of future climate... Finally, ongoing political debate about
                                 global energy policy should not stand in the way of common sense action to reduce societal and
                                 environmental vulnerabilities to climate variability and change. Considerable potential exists to
                                 improve policies related to climate.
                                 American Geological Institute
                                 The American Geological Institute (AGI) strongly supports education concerning the scientific
                                 evidence of past climate change, the potential for future climate change due to the current building
                                 of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and the policy options available.
                                 Understanding the interactions between the solid Earth, the oceans, the biosphere, and the
                                 atmosphere both in the present and over time is critical for accurately analyzing and predicting
                                 global climate change due to natural processes and possible human influences.
                                 American Institute of Professional Geologists
                                 The geological professionals in AIPG recognize that climate change is occurring and has the potential
                                 to yield catastrophic impacts if humanity is not prepared to address those impacts. It is also
                                 recognized that climate change will occur regardless of the cause. The sooner a defensible scientific
                                 understanding can be developed, the better equipped humanity will be to develop economically
                                 viable and technically effective methods to support the needs of society.
                                 Concerned that the original statement issued in March 2009 was too ambiguous, AIPG’s National
                                 Executive Committee approved a revised position statement issued in January 2010:
                                 The geological professionals in AIPG recognize that climate change is occurring regardless of cause.
                                 AIPG supports continued research into all forces driving climate change.
                                 In August 2009, the Ohio Section of AIPG submitted a position statement to Senators Brown and
                                 Voinovich opposing H.R. 2454, the Markey-Waxman climate bill. The statement professed that “there
                                 is no scientific evidence supporting…. the premise that human production of CO  gas is responsible
                                 for ‘global warming’….” The statement went on to challenge the findings of the IPCC and made
                                 numerous references to articles published by the Heartland Institute.
                                 In March 2010, AIPG’s Executive Director issued a statement regarding polarization of opinions on
                                 climate change within the membership and announced that the AIPG Executive had made a decision
                                 to cease publication of articles and opinion pieces concerning climate change in AIPG’s news journal,
                                 The Professional Geologist. The Executive Director noted that “the question of anthropogenicity of
                                 climate change is contentious.”
                                 Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences
                                 The science of global climate change is still evolving and our understanding of this vital Earth
                                 system is not as developed as is the case for other Earth systems such as plate tectonics. What is
                                 known with certainty is that regardless of the causes, our global climate will continue to change for
                                 the foreseeable future... The level of CO  in our atmosphere is now greater than at any time in the
                                 past 500,000 years; there will be consequences for our global climate and natural systems as a result.
                                 Statements by dissenting organizations
                                 Since 2007, when the American Association of Petroleum Geologists released a revised statement,
                                 no scientific body of national or international standing rejects the findings of human-induced effects
                                 on climate change.

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