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Academic Library System
Notes success in imparting independent learning skills and inculcating life-long learning habits
amongst our students. It is widely accepted that the rapid obsolescence of knowledge
and skills in the modern global economy requires continuous lifetime effort in learning
and re-learning. Acquisition of content-based knowledge, while forming the foundation
and basis for professional practice in various disciplines, is no longer sufficient for life-
long employability. More importantly, process oriented skills such as independent learning
and information literacy will provide our graduates with the keys to success in the new
economy and also in achieving personal fulfillment in life.
(ii) Libraries have always been the tool and vehicle of life-long and independent learning.
They do not prescribe what one should learn, but instead allow each to fashion their
own learning paths and goals. People use libraries to learn at any point in their life and
when it is needed. Therefore, libraries organize themselves to provide tools and services
to facilitate and encourage independent and life-long learning. Today, the abundance of
information in the Internet world has created new concerns in learning and education at
the same time that it has created a new paradigm in communication. Having access to
an abundance of information does not necessarily lead to effective use of information
and learning. The role of libraries now focuses on helping people become more discerning
and effective users of information.
(iii) Our Library aims to reinforce and strengthen this role, by inculcating independent and
life-long learning habits of our students. We do this by direct and indirect means. Direct
means include our librarians offering of instructional courses on information literacy to
beginning as well as the advanced students. These courses show students how to be
effective and responsible users of information generally and also in their subject areas
of study. Our goal is to have every TISS student attend at least 2 library instructional
classes before they graduate. We achieve this goal indirectly as well. Through exposure
to the myriad of quality information resources, services and awareness activities, our
students will gain a deeper understanding on the nature and use of information and
thus grow into strong and effective independent learners by the time they graduate.
3.3.2 Creating a Vibrant Learning Community on Campus
(i) Libraries will continue to be important physical fixtures in the future campus for the
simple reason that they are important social and community space in addition to being
depositories of books and other information objects. In a hybrid library where many
media co-exist, space is essential to mediate between users, collection and services. Even
when everything has gone completely electronic, we will still have to invent new spaces
to cater to other aspects of learning. Learning is a social and multi-dimensional activity
that relies on human interaction, multiple senses, chance encounters and serendipity for
it to be effectively carried out. Libraries are special community spaces, with powerful
symbolic and cultural connotation of learning, intellectual freedom and optimism. There
is no other more potent place to engage in study and learning.
(ii) The increasing adoption of collaborative approach in learning demands a different approach
to designing our library space. Seats and space would most likely be designed and built
to facilitate discussion and collaborative work between learners. This will lead to a
different ambience in the library from what we are used to today. It will probably be
much noisier, with more activity and equipped with more gadgets and service points
(manned or unmanned). At the same time, libraries will also need to cater to traditional
needs for a conducive environment for study and reflection. It will be an interesting
architectural and planning challenge to cater to such competing requirements. The academic