P. 110

Unit 10: Classification of Libraries

            Actually, this document contains a Digital Library Manifesto which introduces the three types of  Notes
            relevant ‘systems’, i.e., Digital Library, Digital Library System, and Digital Library Management
            System. It describes the main concepts characterizing these systems, i.e., organization, content,
            user, functionality, quality, policy and architecture. It introduces the main roles that actors may
            play within digital libraries, i.e., end-user, manager and software developer. Finally, it describes
            the reference frameworks needed to clarify the DL universe at different levels of abstraction, i.e.,
            the Digital Library Reference Model and the Digital Library Reference Architecture.
            The first use of the term digital library in print may have been in a 1988 report to the Corporation for
            National Research Initiatives.

              Notes The term digital libraries was first popularized by the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital
                    Libraries Initiative in 1994.

            These draw heavily on As We May Think by Vannevar Bush in 1945, which set out a vision not in
            terms of technology, but user experience. The term virtual library was initially used interchangeably
            with digital library, but is now primarily used for libraries that are virtual in other senses (such as
            libraries which aggregate distributed content).
            A distinction is often made between content that was created in a digital format, known as born-
            digital, and information that has been converted from a physical medium, e.g., paper, by digitizing.
            The term hybrid library is sometimes used for libraries that have both physical collections and
            digital collections. For example, American Memory is a digital library within the Library of
            Congress. Some important digital libraries also serve as long term archives, for example, the
            Eprint arXiv, and the Internet Archive.
            Some of the Examples of digital libraries (DLs) are given below:

                ACM DL             Many professional associations (here the Association of Computing
                Science Direct     Machinery) and publishers (here Elsevier) have a DL of their jour-nals,
                                   books, and reference works. Free access to bibliographic data, paid
                                   access to full text.           
                ICDL               International Children’s Digital Library Focuses on digitizing
                                   children’s books from around the world, mak-ing them findable
                                   through child-centered criteria, and facilitating online reading.
                The Shoah VHA      52,000 videotaped interviews with Holocaust survivors, thesaurus of
                                   4,000 subjects and 45,000 names of places, periods, people, etc.
                          click Archive > About The Archive >
                                   The Visual History Archive.
                NSDL               National Science Digital Library (US). Support for education &
                Connexion          A user-created DL of educational material; small knowledge chunks
                                   (modules) that can be organized as courses, books, reports.
                Wikipedia          Collaboratively constructed collection of anonymous encyclopedia
                Louvre             A museum Web site seen as a digital library containing both images
                                   and text, often with interactive features.                          
                Perseus            A rich network interconnecting places and sites, buildings, art
                                   ob-jects (all represented by images), people, texts, words, ... Virtual
                                   walks through historical places.                          
                Tufts University   An interesting array of DL-related tools,

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