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Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Frameworks

                                   The formal reference models include the DELOS Digital Library Reference Model (Agosti, et al.,
                                   2006) and the Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, Societies (5S) formal framework. The Reference
                                   Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) provides a framework to address digital

                                   10.1.3  Scope of Digital Libraries

                                   The scope, which is enjoyed by traditional library, is extended and enriched by the digital library
                                   system in every sector. In each function of library, digital library systems add efficiency. If we
                                   give the status of checklist for the five laws of library science propounded by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan,
                                   for the time being, digital library system can prove itself as the best instrument to fulfill the five
                                   laws of library science Digital library has to promote the economical and efficient delivery of
                                   information to all sector of  the society and to take an important role in the generation and
                                   dissemination of knowledge in areas of strategic importance to the society. Digital library
                                   should contribute to the lifelong learning, opportunities and education in our country as well as
                                   around the world. The scope of user’s collections service expands beyond the walls of library.

                                   10.1.4  Recent Development

                                   It is well recognized that libraries all over the world are undergoing transformation, especially
                                   owing to the development in information and communication technologies. Traditional libraries
                                   are changing to digital libraries and new libraries that are being set up are increasingly of the
                                   digital kind. As a result, there is widespread interest and consequently, a lot of research and
                                   development activities are being carried out in this area world over. In India a number of
                                   institutions are also in the process of setting up digital libraries and many scholars and practitioners
                                   are conducting research on digital libraries.
                                   In recent years, quite a few conferences on digital libraries and their various facets have been
                                   organized in India. In addition to many national conferences, international conferences such as
                                   the International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL) 2001, International Conferences
                                   on Digital Libraries (ICDL) 2004 and 2006 gave necessary  impetus to digital library awareness
                                   and developments in India. Both ICADL 2001 and ICDL 2004 were reported as widely attended
                                   (Kar & Seadle 2004; Urs & Raghavan 2002).
                                   Although conference proceedings are a vital primary source of information, marginal papers get
                                   included in proceedings many times as papers may not go through the peer-reviewing process.
                                   On the other hand, scholarly journals with their  peer-reviewing mechanism have better quality
                                   papers and further, and more importantly, owing to their coverage in abstracting and indexing
                                   databases, the visibility and readership of papers published in scholarly journals are much
                                   greater than conference proceedings.
                                   India publishes about 20 scholarly journals in the field of library and information science.
                                   Articles on digital libraries in India have been published in Indian and foreign journals. A
                                   review of Indian and foreign periodicals literature published on digital libraries in India would
                                   be useful to assess and understand the state of digital library research and development in India.
                                   Digital library development in India has been skewed. Most developments have been in S&T
                                   libraries. Even among these libraries, focus has been on developing digital libraries without
                                   focus on issues such as education and training, copyright, management and promotion
                                   (marketing). There is a need to amend copyright legislation to suit the electronic environment.
                                   Few institutions have taken initiatives to hold workshops on digital libraries and digital
                                   technologies. Other important areas on which Indian studies have been few or totally missing
                                   are digital rights management, digital library security, content management, business and pricing
                                   model and policy studies. At present, a pricing model does not exist in India.

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