P. 27

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                      1. Radio frequency identification is a type of .................... used in the modern libraries.
                                      2. Data entry and editing is a type of .................... Software.
                                      3. Depending on mobility, RFID readers are classified into .................... types.

                                   2.4  Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)


                                   Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses communication through the use
                                   of radio waves to transfer data between a reader and an electronic tag attached to an object for the
                                   purpose of identification and tracking.
                                   RFID makes it possible to give each product in a grocery store its own unique identifying number,
                                   to provide assets, people, work in process, medical devices, etc., all with individual unique identifiers
                                   - like the license plate on a car but for every item in the world. This is a vast improvement over
                                   paper and pencil tracking or bar code tracking that has been used since, the 1970s.

                                     Notes  With bar codes, RFID is only possible to identify the brand and type of package in a
                                           grocery store, for instance.
                                   Furthermore, passive RFID tags (those without a battery) can be read if passed within close
                                   enough proximity to an RFID reader. It is not necessary to “show” the tag to the reader device, as
                                   with a bar code. In other words it does not require line of sight to “see” an RFID tag, the tag can be
                                   read inside a case, carton, box or other container, and unlike bar codes RFID tags can be read
                                   hundreds at a time. Bar codes can only read one at a time.
                                   Some RFID tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.
                                   The application of bulk reading enables an almost-parallel reading of tags.
                                   Radio-frequency identification involves the hardware known as interrogators (also known as
                                   readers), and tags (also known as labels), as well as RFID software or RFID middleware.
                                   Most RFID tags contain at least two parts: one is an integrated circuit for storing and processing
                                   information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal, and other specialized
                                   functions; the other is an antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal.
                                   RFID can be passive (using no battery), active (with an on-board battery that always broadcasts or
                                   beacons its signal) or battery assisted passive (BAP) which has a small battery on board that is
                                   activated when in the presence of an RFID reader. Passive tags in 2011 start at $ .05 each and for
                                   special tags meant to be mounted on metal, or withstand gamma sterilization go up to $5. Active
                                   tags for tracking containers, medical assets, or monitoring environmental conditions in data
                                   centers all start at $50 and can go up over $100 each. BAP tags are in the $3-10 range and also have
                                   sensor capability like temperature and humidity.

                                   The term RFID refers to the technology. The tags should properly be called “RFID tags” not
                                   Fixed RFID and Mobile RFID: Depending on mobility, RFID readers are classified into two
                                   different types: fixed RFID and mobile RFID. If the reader reads tags in a stationary position, it is
                                   called fixed RFID. These fixed readers are set-up specific interrogation zones and create a “bubble”

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