P. 94

Unit 8: Network Media

            3Com’s 3+Share, Microsoft’s LAN Manager and IBM’s LAN Server- but none of these were   Notes
            particularly successful.
            During the same period, Unix computer workstations from vendors such as Sun Microsystems,
            Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Graphics, Intergraph, NeXT and Apollo were using TCP/IP based network.
            Although, this market segment is now much reduced, the technologies developed in this area
            continue to be influential on the Internet and in both Linux and Apple Mac OS X networking-and
            the TCP/IP protocol have now almost completely replaced IPX, AppleTalk, NBF, and other protocols
            used by the early PC LANs.

            Early LAN cabling had always been based on various grades of coaxial cable. However, shielded
            twisted pair was used in IBM’s Token Ring implementation, and in 1984 Star LAN showed the
            potential of simple unshielded twisted pair by using Cat3-the same simple cable used for telephone
            systems. This led to the development of 10Base-T (and its successors) and structured cabling which
            is still the basis of most commercial LANs today. In addition, fiber-optic cabling is increasingly
            used in commercial applications.
            As cabling is not always possible, wireless Wi-Fi is now the most common technology in residential
            premises, as the cabling required is minimal and it is well suited to mobile laptops and smart

            Technical Aspects
            Network topology describes the layout pattern of interconnections between devices and network
            segments. Switched Ethernet has been for some time the most common Data Link Layer and
            Physical Layer implementation for local area networks. At the higher layers, the Internet Protocol
            (TCP/IP) has become the standard. Smaller LANs generally consist of one or more switches linked
            to each other, often at least one is connected to a router, cable modem, or ADSL modem for Internet
            Larger LANs are characterized by their use of redundant links with switches using the spanning
            tree protocol to prevent loops, their ability to manage differing traffic types via quality of service
            (QoS), and to segregate traffic with VLANs. Larger LANs also contain a wide variety of network
            devices such as switches, firewalls, routers, load balancers, and sensors.

              Task Write short note on LAN.

            LANs may have connections with other LANs via leased lines, leased services, or by tunneling
            across the Internet using virtual private network technologies. Depending on how the connections
            are established and secured in a LAN, and the distance involved, a LAN may also be classified as
            metropolitan area network (MAN) or wide area networks (WAN).

            8.1.1  Advantages and Disadvantages of Local Area Network

               1. Easier to maintain than a WAN
               2. More secure
               3. Better connectivity
               4. Often easier to configure than a WAN.

               1. You often only have 1(one) access point.
               2. It limits the Area.

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