P. 92

Reena Kapoor, Lovely Professional University                                      Unit 8: Network Media

                                  Unit 8: Network Media                                            Notes

                8.1 Local Area Network
                     8.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Local Area Network
                8.2 Metropolitan Area Network
                     8.2.1 The Benefits of Metropolitan Area Network
                8.3 Wide Area Network
                     8.3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Wide Area Network
                8.4 Summary
                8.5 Keywords
                8.6 Review Questions
                8.7 Further Readings

            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                  Discuss about the local area network
                  Describe the metropolitan area network and its benefits
                  Explain the wide area network
                  State about the advantages and disadvantages of Wide Area Network.


            Network media (sometimes referred to as networked media) refers to media mainly used in
            computer networks such as the Internet.
            Network media is essentially driven by technological development, emerging from the internet
            as a non-centralized medium in the late nineties; the term has more recently begun to be applied
            to both the arts and industry. The following features distinguish Network Media from classical
            media, such as broadcast media and the printed press:
                  Network Media is typically democratic and decentralized. The audience can also be the
                  Network Media often requires the involvement of computers as an input/output device.
                  Network media requires a community to participate and consume.
            With the rapidly increasing digital era, new aspects of digital networking are becoming more
            important. Essentially, network media is about co-operative/collaborative practice in which many
            can contribute to the production of “media”.
            The benefits of the development of inter-networking ultimately has allowed for greater political,
            social comment and discussion but is also widely thought of in a much broader context of
            globalization and the fragmentation of the world.

            8.1  Local Area Network

            A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that connects computers and devices in a limited
            geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory or office building. The defining

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