P. 96

Unit 8: Network Media


              Notes MANs geographic scope falls between a WAN and LAN. MANs provide Internet
                    connectivity for LANs in a metropolitan region, and connect them to wider area
                    networks like the Internet. It can also be used in cable television.


            Some technologies used for this purpose are Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), FDDI, and
            SMDS. These technologies are in the process of being displaced by Ethernet-based connections
            (e.g., Metro Ethernet) in most areas. MAN links between local area networks have been built
            without cables using microwave, radio, or infrared laser links.

              Did u know? Most companies rent or lease circuits from common carriers due to the fact that
                         laying long stretches of cable can be expensive.
            DQDB, Distributed-queue dual-bus, is the metropolitan area network standard for data
            communication. It is specified in the IEEE 802.6 standard. Using DQDB, networks can be up to 20
            miles (30 km) long and operate at speeds of 34 to 155 Mbit/s.

            8.2.1  The Benefits of Metropolitan Area Network

            Technology is continually advancing in this modern world and almost everyday, new technologies
            are innovated and released out of the market. Advancement of technology is visible in the field of
            computer networking. If Local Area Network was the only invention yesterday, it has already
            progressed to a higher version which is the Wide Area Network. To bridge the two types of
            network, one of the newest technologies today is MAN - Metropolitan Area Network.
            The Metropolitan Area Network is designed to connect networks in a metropolitan area, city,
            campus, community, etc. It is wider than the Local Area Network which can only be used in one
            building, floor or wide room. But, it is not as big as the Wide Area Network which goes beyond
            one area or city to another location. The coverage of Metropolitan area network in terms of
            geography is between LAN and WAN.
            MAN can cover several blocks and buildings depending on the communication channels of an
            area. It can reach from 5 to 50 kilometers in one area. The MAN may be used to connect several
            LAN in order to create a big network. That is why it is often used in business establishment that has
            several branches near each other. Universities and large campus also use the Metropolitan Area
            Network nowadays.
            To connect several Local Area Networks, MAN uses backbone line usually made up of fiber optic.
            Fiber optic runs in subway tunnels in order to connect the networks in an area using MAN. The
            advantage of using fiber optic is it can be replaceable with other types of fiber with higher quality.
            Fiber will be replaced once in a while as needed or there is need to upgrade to another advance
            type of network in the future.
            Some Metropolitan Area Network owners use infrared or radio laser links. It is because using
            cables may be expensive especially that it has to cover a couple of kilometers to link networks. The
            maximum distance that MAN can handle is 50 kilometers and a fiber optic cable this long will be
            very expensive to install. Those organizations or campuses using MAN with just few distances in
            between networks can use the cables.
            Using MAN is an advantage because it has high speed network access. It serves several protocols
            such as IEEE 802.6 Distributed Queue Dual Bus Defined (DQDB), IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless
            MAN Standard (WIMAX), Asynchronous Transfer Mode Protocol (ATM) and many more. Among
            all protocols, the standard one used in MAN is the DQDB where it allows up to 30 kilometer
            distance between networks with speed of 34-155 Megabytes per second.

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