P. 88

Unit 7: Features and Scope of Communication

            different subjects of interest by this technology and it helps them to conceive new creative thoughts  Notes
            and ideas. The technology, skills of using media and some concepts of communication are useful
            to psychologists in order to investigate certain problems of human behaviour and therapy.
            The political as well as social traditions, myths, customs, styles of living, morals, etc. are passed
            from one generation to another or they are changed or destroyed with the help of communication
            media. The success of any commercial man depends upon his reception and transmission of information
            regarding the market, production, government laws, banking, innovations in modern technology,
            etc., computers play a vital role in receiving, storing, translating, analyzing and imparting the
            information for the mathematicians, chemists, physicists, engineers, etc.

            Self Assessment
            Fill in the blanks:
               1. The process in which professional communicators use communication media to dissemi-
                  nate messages widely, rapidly, simultaneously and continuously to arouse intended mean-
                  ing in large and diverse audience in an attempt to influence them in a variety of ways is
                  called .................... .
               2. In oral communication, the transmitter is the .................... of the speaker.

            7.2  Techniques of Communication

            Formal and Informal Communication

            This differentiation of communication is mainly on the basis of situations. In situations like public
            speaking, mass communication, official communication, etc., formal communication is used. Here,
            language is used more precisely, and more attention is paid to grammar. Also we pay attention to
            our dress, posture, etc., formal communication occurs in the context of status differences.

              Notes Informal communication takes place in case of informal and personal situations. Less
                    attention is paid to structure of language and grammar.

            Also less attention is pair to nonverbal behaviour like clothing, gait, posture, etc.
            To communicate effectively in one has to identify and use both formal and informal communication
            channels. The channels of communication are the formal and informal ways of communicating
            with other people.
            Formal communication channels relate to the structure of the organization. They include:
                  Reporting relationships and policies
                  Committee meetings
                  Bulletin boards
                  Participation in group events
                  Internal newsletters.

              Task State the role of formal and informal communication in public speaking.

            The Benefits of Reporting Relationships

            Reporting relationships help to address issues quickly and clearly, and to spread the communication
            workload. For instance, in most organizations your supervisor or manager will be your first point
            of contact, rather than the managing director or the head of another department.

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