P. 86

Reena Kapoor, Lovely Professional University                   Unit 7: Features and Scope of Communication

                  Unit 7: Features and Scope of Communication                                      Notes

                7.1 Features and Scope of Communication
                7.2 Techniques of Communication
                7.3 Grapevine
                7.4 Summary
                7.5 Keywords
                7.6 Review Questions
                7.7 Further Readings


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                  Describe the features of communication
                  Discuss the scope of communication
                  Explain the techniques of communication
                  State briefly about Graperine.


            Communication generally involves two or more persons. It is a process between the two persons.
            Communication is very useful in communicating things. An effective communication is possible
            when the receiver gives the feedback. Effective communication has various features and Scope.
            Some of the features and scopes are discussed as follows.

            7.1  Features and Scope of Communication
            Communication of message takes place through spoken or written words, pictures and in many
            other forms.

              Notes  In oral communication, the transmitter is the ‘voice box’ of the speaker.

            The receiver of the message may be the human ear, which converts sound waves into a
            comprehensible form, which can be recognized by the human brain; a television receiver decodes
            the electromagnetic waves into recognizable visual representation. In the same manner, the reader,
            who can recognize and understand that particular language, can understand the printed message.
            The process of communication involves a procedure consisting of only a few steps. The information
            source decides to communicate and encodes a message, transmits it through a channel to the
            receiver, which is then decoded and acted upon. There are noises or distortions in between the
            whole process. The main functions of communication are information, education, entertainment,
            enlightenment, and persuasion.
            Therefore, the communication process should be designed as such so as to gain the attention of the
            receiver, use the signals, symbols, or codes that are easily understood by the receiver and it must

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