P. 271

Unit 14: Communication

          4.   As a manager, what all non-verbal cues must keep in mind? How can you communicate  Notes
               through non-verbal elements effectively?
          5.   “People interpret what they see and call it a reality”. Discuss

          6.   Critically analyse the concept of stereotyping and halo effect. Examine the role of human
               psychology in this context.
          7.   Bring out the difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication.

          8.   Contrast between upward-downward, diagonal-lateral, formal-informal and verbal-non-
               verbal communication.
          9.   Explain the concept of meta-communications with suitable examples

          10.  “If there is communication, there will be communication barriers too”. Elucidate
          11.  List  the  techniques that  can be  used  by  the managers  to  overcome  the  barriers  to
               communication in an organisation.

          12.  Explain the significance of communication in a sales organisation.
          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   Halo Effect                       2.  Feedback
          3.   Message                           4.  Gestures
          5.   Public                            6.  Lateral
          7.   Meta                              8.  Formal

          9.   Informal                          10.  Barrier

          14.10 Further Readings

           Books      Managerial Effectiveness, ICFAI Centre for Management Research
                      PG Aquinas, Organisational Behavior, Excel Books, New Delhi
                      Robert Kreitner and Mamta Mohapatra, Management, Biztantra

                      Steven H  McShane and Mary Ann Von Glinow,  Organisational  Behavior, Tata
                      McGraw Hill

          Online links


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