P. 208

Unit 12: Query Processing and Optimization

               (b)  Secondary index,  comparison: For the queries  of  the type  that  use comparison on  Notes
                    secondary index value   a value, then the index can be used to find first index entry
                    which is greater than that value, scan index sequentially from there till the end and
                    also keep finding the pointers to records.
                    For the   type query just scan  leaf pages of index, also keep finding pointers  to
                    records, till first entry is found satisfying the condition.
               In either case, retrieving records that are pointed to, may require an I/O for each record.

             Notes       Linear file scans may be cheaper if many records are to be fetched.

          12.2.3 Implementation of Complex Selections

          Conjunction: Conjunction is basically a set of AND conditions.

          1.   Conjunctive selection using one index: In such a case, select any algorithm given earlier on
               one or more conditions. If possible, test other conditions on these tuples after fetching
               them into memory buffer.
          2.   Conjunctive selection using multiple-key  index: Use  appropriate composite (multiple-
               key) index if they are available.

          3.   Conjunctive selection by intersection of identifiers requires indices with record pointers.
               Use corresponding index for each condition, and take the intersection of all the obtained
               sets of  record pointers.  Then fetch records from  file if,  some conditions  do not have
               appropriate indices, test them after fetching the tuple from the memory buffer.

              Task       Discuss the uses of hash key.

          12.2.4 Disjunction

          Specifies a set of OR conditions.
          Disjunctive selection by union of identifiers is applicable if all conditions have available indices,
          otherwise use linear scan. Use corresponding index for each condition, take the union of all the
          obtained sets of record pointers, and eliminate duplicates, then fetch data from the file.

          12.2.5 Negation

          Use linear scan on file. However, if very few records are available in the result and an index is
          applicable on attribute, which is being negated, then find the satisfying records using index and
          fetch them from the file.

          12.3 Sorting

          Now we need to take a look at sorting techniques that can be used for calculating costing. There
          are various methods that can be used in the following ways:
          1.   Use an existing applicable ordered index (e.g., B+ tree) to read the relation in sorted order.

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