P. 212

Unit 12: Query Processing and Optimization

          12.4.2 Block Nested-loop Join                                                         Notes

          This is a variant of nested-loop join in which a complete block of outer loop is joined with the
          block of inner loop.
          The algorithm for this may be written has:

          for each block s of STUDENT
                 for each block m of MARKS
                         for each tuple si in s
                                for each tuple mi in m
                                       Check if (si and mi) satisfy the join condition
                                       if they do output joined tuple to the result
          Worst  case  of  block  accesses  in  this  case  =  Number  of  Blocks  of  outer  relation
          (STUDENT) ×Number of blocks of inner relation (MARKS) + Number of blocks of outer relation
          Best case: Blocks of STUDENT + Blocks of MARKS
          Number of block transfers assuming worst case:
                 100 × 500 + 100 = 50,100 (much less than nested-loop join)
          Number of block transfers assuming best case:

                 400 + 100 = 500 (same as with nested-loop join)

          Improvements to Block Nested-loop Algorithm

          The following modifications improve the block Nested method:
          Use M – 2 disk blocks as the blocking unit for the outer relation, where M = memory size in

          Use one buffer block to buffer the inner relation.
          Use one buffer block to buffer the output.
          This method minimizes the number of iterations.

          12.4.3 Indexed Nested-loop Join

          Index scans can replace file scans  if the join is an equi-join or natural join, and an index is
          available on the inner relation’s join attribute.
          For each tuple si in the outer relation STUDENT, use the index to look up tuples in MARKS that
          satisfy the join condition with tuple si.
          In a worst case scenarios, the buffer has space for only one page of STUDENT, and, for each tuple
          in MARKS, then we should perform an index lookup on MARKS index.

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