P. 114

Unit-6: Theory of Demand and Elasticity of Demand

              3.  Decrease in price of complementary goods                                           Notes
              4.  Favorable changes in taste, likes and preferences
              5.  Expectation of decreasing price in future
              6.  Increase in population (buyers)

            Self Assessment

            Multiple choice questions:
              4.  Normal goods are goods whose demand increase with the increase in income of ........................... .
               (a)  consumer         (b)  person          (c)  replacement   (d)  common man
              5.  Inferior goods are goods whose demand is ................... on increasing income of consumer.
               (a)  decrease         (b)  less            (c)  increase      (d)  more
              6.  Decrease in demand is known as .................. to increase in price.
               (a)  contraction      (b)  curve           (c)  movement      (d)  distribution
              7.  Increase in demand is done when it is bought at stable price of goods ............... .
               (a)  in more quantity   (b)  in less quantity   (c)  in balanced quantity    (d)  nothing

            6.6  Distinction between Extension and Increase in Demand

            Extension of demand  means,  growth of  demand  due to
            fall in price of a commodity. It is shown by the movement   Distinction between Extension
            at the same demand curve. On the other side, increase in   and Increase in Demand
            demand means growth of demand due to the changes in
            other determinants of demand (such as tastes, income of   Demand of any commodity is extended
                                                              when its more quantity is bought to fewer
            consumer, price of replacement goods) on the stable price.   prices. Increase in demand occurs when by
            It is shown by the shift or slip of complete demand curve.  stable price of commodity its more quantity
            Figure 6.11 is clearing the distinction between extension   is bought.
            and increase in demand. DD is initial demand curve. It is
            known by Fig. 6.11 that two different growths are possible in the demand at point ‘A’ of DD demand
            curve. First is that quantity of demand to become OQ to OQ  on point ‘B’ with movement to point
            ‘A’ of same demand curve. This growth in quantity demanded is due to price to be decreased from

                                                 Fig. 6.11

                                              D      1
                                                           Increase in
                                       P                    C
                                     Price (`)  Extension in
                                                                   D 1
                                       O                     D        X
                                                   Q     Q

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