P. 119
bdkbZ 6 % ek¡x o ek¡x dh yksp osQ fl¼kar
(Want) gh dgyk,xh] ek¡x ughaA ;g bPNk mlh fLFkfr esa ek¡x dk :i èkkj.k djsxh ftl fLFkfr esa] ,d uksV
fuf'pr le; vkSj ,d fuf'pr dher ij] vki jaxhu Vh- oh- [kjhnus osQ fy, rS;kj gSaA bl izdkj ek¡x dk
mYys[k ,d fuf'pr dher o fuf'pr le; osQ lanHkZ esa fd;k tkuk pkfg,A vr% ek¡x fdlh inkFkZ dh
og ek=kk gS ftls ,d miHkksDrk le; dh ,d fuf'pr vofèk esa ,d fuf'pr dher ij [kjhnus osQ
fy, osQoy bPNqd ;k ;ksX; gh ugha cfYd rS;kj Hkh gSA
(Demand is defined as the quantity of a product which a consumer is not only
desiring to purchase and able to purchase but is also ready to purchase at a given
price and at a given point of time.) vU; 'kCnksa esa] ;g dher vkSj ek¡x osQ chp osQ lacaèk dks
crykrk gSA ;g bl ckr dk laosQr nsrk gS fd fofHkUu dherksa ij ,d oLrq dh fdruh ek=kk ek¡xh
tk,xhA ;gk¡ ;g cryk nsuk vko';d gS fd vFkZ'kkL=k ek¡x (Demand) vkSj ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk (Quantity
Demanded) dh èkkj.kkvksa osQ chp varj O;Dr djrs gSaA ek¡x os ek=kk,¡ gSa tks oszQrk le; dh ,d
fuf'pr vofèk esa fofHkUu ;k oSdfYid dherksa ij [kjhnus osQ bPNqd rFkk ;ksX; gksrs gSaA (Demand
is the quantities that buyers are willing and able to buy at alternative prices during
a given period of time.) blosQ foijhr
ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk og fo'ks"k ek=kk gS tks oszQrk ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk dh èkkj.kk osQ ckjs esa nks egÙoiw.kZ
,d fuf'pr dher ij [kjhnus osQ bPNqd voyksdu
rFkk ;ksX; gksrs gSaA (The quantity de- (i) fo'ks"k dher osQ lacaèk esa ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk oszQrk dh
manded is a specific amount that okLrfod [kjhn ugha gksrhA ;g osQoy ,sfPNd
buyers are willing and able to buy
(Intended) [kjhn gksrh gS ;k og ek=kk gksrh gS
at one price.) mnkgj.k osQ fy,] ,d #i;k
ftls miHkksDrk [kjhnus dk bPNqd gSA
izfr vkblØhe ij miHkksDRkk }kjk 4 vkblØhe
(ii) ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk izokg èkkj.kk gS u fd LVkWd èkkj.kkA
dks [kjhnus dh bPNk rFkk ;ksX;rk ek¡xh xbZ
blls vfHkizk; ,d vyx&Fkyx [kjhn ls ugha gS]
ek=kk dk mnkgj.k gS] tcfd miHkksDrk }kjk 1
cfYd [kjhn osQ fujarj izokg ls gS tSls izfrfnu 2
#i;s ij 4 vkblØhe] 2 #i, ij 3
vkblØhe] izfr lIrkg 100 larjs vkfnA izokg pjksa
vkblØhe vkSj 3 #i, ij 2 vkblØhe
(tSls ek¡x) esa le; vkdkj gksrk gS tcfd LVkWd
[kjhnus dh ;ksX;rk rFkk bPNk ek¡x dk
pjksa esa le; vkdkj ugha gksrkA
mnkgj.k gSA
iQxZqlu osQ 'kCnksa esa] ^^ek¡x ,d oLrq dh ek=kkvksa dks crykrh gS tks miHkksDRkk] vU; ckrsa leku jgus
ij] le; dh ,d fuf'pr vofèk esa izR;sd laHko dher ij [kjhnus osQ ;ksX; rFkk bPNqd gksrs gSaA**
(Demand refers to the quantities of a commmodity that the consumers are able and
willing to buy at each possible price during a given period of time, other things being
equal.) —Ferguson
ek¡x rFkk ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk esa varj
ek¡x ls vfHkizk; ,d miHkksDrk }kjk vius fnekx esa cukbZ xbZ ml ek¡x rkfydk ls gS] ftlls izdV gksrk gS fd
og fdlh oLrq dh laHko dherksa ij fdruh ek=kk [kjhnuk pkgrk gSA blosQ foijhr ek¡xh xbZ ek=kk ls vfHkizk;
fdlh oLrq dh ml fuf'pr ek=kk ls gS ftls miHkksDrk ,d fuf'pr dher ij [kjhnus dk bPNqd gSA
ch- vkj- f'kYyj osQ fopkj esa] ^^vU; ckrsa leku jgus ij] fdlh nh gqbZ le; vofèk esa oSdfYid
dherksa ij ,d oLrq dh fof'k"V ek=kk dks [kjhnus dh ;ksX;rk vkSj bPNk ek¡x gSA** (Demand is
the ability and willingness to buy specific quantity of a good at alternative prices in
a given time period, ceteris paribus. —B. R. Schiller)