P. 69

          E L-LOVELY-H math3-1     IInd  6-8-11     IIIrd  24-1-12     IVth  21-4-12     Vth  20-8-12     VIth 10-9-12

          Pavitar Parkash Singh, Lovely Professional University                              fJekJh^3 L fBy/VB

                                           fJekJh^3L fBy/VB                                       B'N


                ftP/ t;s{ (Contents)
                T[d/P (Objectives)
                gq;sktBk (Introduction)

                    3H1  fBy/VB^r[DKe iK fBy/VBk (Differential Coefficient)
                    3H2  gfoGkPk (Definition)

                    3H3  fe;h nuo okPh dk fBy/VB^r[DKe (Differential Coefficient of a Constant)
                    3H4  nuo okPh ns/ cbB d/ r[DBcb dk fBy/VB^r[DKe (Differential Coefficient of the
                         Product of a Constant and a Function)
                    3H5  x  dk x d/ ;kg/y fBy/VB^r[DKe (Differential Coefficient of x  Respect to x)
                    3H6  d' cbBK d/ i'V iK  nzso dk fBy/VB^r[DKe  (Differential  Coefficient  of  Sum  and
                         Subtract of two Functions)
                    3H7  cbB  e   dk  x  d/ ;kg/y  fBy/VB^r[DKe, id'Afe  e  (Exponential)  uo  xksh j?
                         (Differential Coefficient of Function e  Respect to x when e is Exponential)
                    3H8  cbB  a   dk  x  d/ ;kg/y fBy/VB^r[DKe, id'Afe  a  fJZe nuo j?  (Differential
                         Coefficient of Function a  Respect to x when a is a Non-variable)
                    3H9  cbB  log e  x  dk  x  d/ ;kg/y fBy/VB^r[DKe,  id'Afe  nXko uo xksh j?  (Differential
                         Coefficient of Function log e  x Respect to x, when base is Exponential)
                   3H10  cbB log a  x dk x d/ ;kg/y fBy/VB^r[DKe,  id'Afe  bx[rDe dk nXko e'Jh nuo j?
                         (Differential Coefficient of Function log a x, Respect to x when base of Logarithm is
                         a Non-variable)
                   3H11  d' cbBK d/  Gkrcb dk fBy/VB^r[DKe  (Differential  Coefficient  of  the  Quotient  of
                         Two Functions)

                   3H12  ;koKP (Summary)
                   3H13  Ppde'P (Keywords)

                   3H14  nfGnk; gqPB (Review Questions)
                   3H15  ;zdoG g[;seK (Further Readings)

                T[d/P (Objectives)

                fJ; fJekJh d/ nfXn?B s'A pknd ftfdnkoEh :'r j'Dr/L

                    •   fBy/VB^r[DKe iK fBy/VBk eZYD ftZu.
                    •   fe;h nuo okoPh dk fBy/VB^r[DKe gsk eoB bJh.
                    •   x  dk x d/ ;kg/y fBy/VB^r[DKe dh ikDekoh bJh.
                    •   d' cbBK d/ i'V, nzso, r[Dk ns/ Gkrcb dk fBy/VB^r[DKe eZYD bJh.

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