P. 167

Dinesh Kumar, Lovely Professional University                     Unit–19: Bruner’s Concept Attainment Model

                            Unit–19: Bruner’s Concept Attainment Model


                        19.1   Main Elements of Concept Attainment Model

                        19.2   Characteristics of Concept Attainment Model
                        19.3   Summary

                        19.4   Keywords

                        19.5   Review Questions
                        19.6   Further Readings


                   After studying this unit, students will be able to:
                    •  Get information on key elements of the concept attainment model.
                    •  Learn more about the characteristics of the concept attainment model.


                   JS Bruner and his colleagues developed the concept attainment model. Teachers provide accurate
                   information about the nature of content to students by using this model. This model is effectively
                   used in the the clarification and interpretation of new concept. “A concept is a symbol that stands for

                   a class of group of objects or events that possess common properties. Concepts greatly simplify our
                   thinking processes. They make free us from having to level and categorize each new object or event
                   we encounter.”
                   The objective of this model is to enhance the student’s ability of inductive reasoning and to improve
                   the students’ concept. Dr Anand (1966) writes by expressing his ideas about the origin of concepts in
                   human, “Bruner and his colleagues has the perception that the human lives in an atmosphere, that
                   has so many variations and complexions that human can not understand it without classifi cation.
                   Therefore every human tries to understand the objects founded in the his environment and classifi es

                   objects. As a result of the classification of objects,concepts are developed in them. These concepts
                   evolve naturally, yet training is necessary for the development of the right concept.

                             This model is considered to be a good means of developing the concept.

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