P. 45

Unit–5: Formulating Instructional Objectives

                     4.  For entering behaviour, students’ motivation levels should also be emphasized that what kind of   Notes
                       motivation they need, due to which students can take interest in instruction learning.
                     5.  In respect of students, the prior information such as the age, level, language, level of intelligence
                       etc. should be collected.
                     6.  In order to write entering behaviour, such population should be defined for which programmed

                       instructed will be enacted.

                                  Pre-test are organized in order to know the entering behaviour. Except this,
                                 diagnostic test of students, cumulative articles, stories, individual experience etc.
                                 are sources of entering behaviour.

                   B. Terminal Behaviours
                   In terminal behaviour, all those students’ responses are included which are helpful in the achievement of
                   objectives. For terminal behaviour, the importance is given to cognitive objective. These are supposed to
                   be Output phase of programmed instruction. For this, terminal behaviours call the Input. The objectives
                   of terminal behaviour are written with the help of contents and work actions. Mager method is normally
                   used to write terminal behaviour. Terminal tests and criterion tests are constructed for measuring this.


                   1. Fill in the blanks:
                      (i)  The second step of the construction of programmed instruction is to analyse of content and to
                         write in ..................... Terms.
                     (ii)  Mager method is based on the principles of .....................
                    (iii)  ..................... test are constructed in to know the entering behaviours.
                    (iv)  ..................... method is used to write terminal behaviour.
                     (v)  The main drawback of Mager method is that is doesn’t give importance to ..................... action in

                   5.2  Step (2): Content Analysis and Developing Instructional Sequence

                   After writing and analysing objective programmer develops the nature of contents and uses it for
                   the construction. For this, he analyses the contents. Sub-contents and their component are analysed.
                   Sub-contents and their components are logically organized in a sequence. In respect of this experts are
                   consulted due to which logical sequence of contents can be supposed correctly.
                   Following advices are given by Peter Pipe in order to develop the list of contents—
                     1.  All objectives should take into consideration in the development of contents and the programmer
                       should develop it in right direction and correct sequence.
                     2.  Should take the experts permission for development-sequence. Relations of teaching and learning
                       should be taken into account in order to prepare list of contents. Students get the facility to learn
                       from the list of developing sequence of contents. The logical sequence of contents should be viable
                       in terms of psychological view.
                   These tasks provide useful information related to contents. The relation of teaching and learning should
                   be taken into in order to prepare list of contents. Students should get the facility to learn from the

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