P. 47

Unit–5: Formulating Instructional Objectives

                    •  In terminal behaviour, all those students’ responses are included which are helpful in the achievement   Notes
                       of objectives. For terminal behaviour, the importance is given to cognitive objective. These are
                       supposed to be Output phase of programmed instruction.
                    •  After writing and analysing objective programmer develops the nature of contents and uses it for
                       the construction. For this, he analyses the contents. Sub-contents and their component are analysed.
                    •  Criterion test is constructed to measure the terminal behaviour of objective analysis and content

                    •  Objective question are included in Criterion test. Each question measure a specific objective. In this
                       way objective-centred test is termed as Criterion test.
                    •  Evaluation is done in terms of Terminal Criterion test. By selecting successful ones from the
                       population, reliability and validity multiplier factor is determined.

                   5.5 Keywords

                    •  Norms—Criteria Enapane
                    •  Analysis—Inquiry

                   5.6 Review Questions

                     1.  Write the merits of behavioural objectives.
                     2.  Write the qualities of entering behaviour.
                     3.  What do you mean by terminal behaviour?
                     4.  What is content analysis?
                     5.  Why criterion test are constructed?

                   Answers: Self-Assessment:

                   1.  (i) Behavioural     (ii) Psychology  (iii) Entering-Behaviour    (iv) Mager  (v) Mental
                   2. (i) (a)        (ii) (b)       (iii) (c)

                   5.7 Further Readings

                              1.  Educational Technology—S.K. Mangal, P.H.I. Learning.
                              2.   Basic Premise of Educational Technology—Yogesh Kumar Singh.

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