P. 90
Educational Technology
Notes 8.5 Historical Discovery Strategy
JS Bruner is the founder of this method. Discovering and exploring historical methods often used in
the same sense, but both the methods are entirely different from each other. Historical discoveries are
used for the facts related to social subjects, while the exploration method is used in the rendering of
the scientific disciplines, suffixes, and acts. In Exploration method, learning material is perceived as
objective while in historical discovery facts are interpreted and described as subjective. The exploration
method is considered with the present and inspection is carried out directly while historical discoveries
are related to the past and historical events and the results are evaluated on the basis of the remains.
Format—Following are the major formats—
1. After a historical overview of educational tour, it is described by the students.
2. Students are given the knowledge of his success or loss after describing any age or regime.
3. Students are required to discover new facts as fundamental but students discover the facts only for
them at the school level.
4. The arrangements and description of facts are done in such a way that it seems to be aware of new
Act—This method is based on the following Acts—
1. Students are provided the opportunity for activities.
2. Students develop a power of sense.
3. Students get the opportunity to think individually and independently.
4. Students’ capabilities of maturity and description get developed.
5. Both the internal and external are necessary.
Features—The main features of this method is as follows.
1. Students’ are given the opportunities to explore and conceive rather than cramming.
2. Creative thinking is developed in students.
3. Exploration and synthesis capabilities are developed.
4. The goals of cognitive and emotional sides are achieved.
5. Students not only discover the new facts but also remember the accumulated knowledge.
Write characteristics of historical discovery matrix.
8.6 Teacher and Students-Centred Strategies
‘Socrates’ is considered to have a significant contribution in this type of teaching methods. This teaching
strategy includes the participation and functionality of teacher and students. Students can learn and
concentrate only when they will be active in the classroom. Socrates’ proposition is that all knowledge
is contained in the student. Teachers will bring them out. Teachers cannot give any knowledge from
outside, so he developed the Q method. Teacher answers the questions from the students and thus can
bring out their knowledge. Teachers and students remain equally active through this type of strategies.
Teaching process is controlled by both. They also have interactions. These methods are described here.
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Educational Technology 84
Educational Technology 84 29/07/13 10:22 PM