P. 93

Unit–8: Group-Controlled Strategies

                     3.  The teacher cannot successfully use this method, because it is an exhibition of discipline problems.  Notes
                     4.  Its use is only possible to fewer students, while the number of students in the class is usually higher.
                   Precautions—Following things should be taken care of while using this—
                     1.  In fact, many of the achievements are possible.
                     2.  There are many vast possible interactions and their relationship is complex.
                     3.  The structure of learning material is not fi xed.
                     4.  Exploration method is full of risk. Several efforts are in vain.  Wrong solutions are more likely to get

                   8.6.3 Group Discussion

                   Group discussion has no common definition. It is believed to be a democratic method, because the
                   students have to be more active. Teacher acts as the inspector and director. It is always the student-
                   centred. It is usually of two types—
                     1.  By Teacher—in this case, the environment is a supremacist.
                     2.  By Students—this situation is fully democratic.
                   Format—This format is as follows—
                     1.  Group discussions are of two forms—formal and informal. Formal program is already made. Specifi c
                       rules are followed in it.
                     2.  Group discussion is organized on issues related to an educational problem and the course.
                     3.  The students have to select the leader who makes the program while organizing it.
                     4.  This importance is given to the students’ questions and answers.
                   Act—This method is based on following acts—
                     1.  This method gives the opportunity to develop functionality and originality.
                     2.  Each student has an equal right to ask questions and give answer.
                     3.  Democratic acts are followed.
                     4.  Social and psychological are signifi cant
                   Features—Following are the main features of group discussion—
                     1.  There is more opportunity for criticism. Incorrect Approaches are contradicted. Opportunity is given
                       to use a wide act for problem solving.
                     2.  Students who are weak in problem solving and decision making, this method is more useful to them.
                     3.  Group discussion is more useful for the development of views.
                     4.  Creative skills are developed in students with the help of this method. They use their power of

                       decision making in order to find the solutions of the problems and various techniques are used for
                       decision making.
                   Use—Social learning gets more opportunities in this method. Higher goals of the cognitive sides can be
                   achieved through group discussion. It is not used to obtain goals of lower levels. Interests and views of
                   students are also developed along with the knowledge. It gives opportunities to get mature.
                   Limitations—It has following limitations—
                     1.  Students seem to have more diverse discussion.
                     2.  A few students remain speaking.

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