P. 92

Educational Technology

                          Notes         2.  This method is mechanical. Asking questioning produces boredom.
                                        3.  The teacher is not able to satisfy all kinds of questions.
                                        4.  The children may not realize this learning content as a whole
                                      Suggestions—The major suggestions are as follows—
                                        1.  This approach should be followed by the same teachers, who can properly compose queries and
                                          questions which includes questioning-skills too.
                                       2.  Suffi xes must also be clarifi ed with the questions because it is diffi cult to understand the suffi xes
                                          through questioning.
                                        3.  Questions should be evenly distributed in class.
                                        4.  To reduce stress in the classroom, questions should be for persifl age.

                                      8.6.2 Heuristics Method

                                      The English word Heuristics is derived from the Greek word ‘Heuristiks’. It means—I will fi nd out.
                                      Its main purpose is to awaken search trend. Its founder was Armstrong. This communication is based
                                      on the philosophy of Spencer Hubert” The children are told to reduce as much as possible, and they
                                      inspired to more likely to fi nd themselves
                                      This method is referred by Polio and Dunker (1945), in their script “Problem Solving”. This method
                                      contains an error and attempt or exploration activities. This method is more economical and fast. Several
                                      options are included under this method to solve the problems. It also requires logic and imagination.
                                      Objectives—It has the following objective—
                                        1.  Children’s ability of problem solving is developed.
                                        2.  To develop the logic and imagination of boys.
                                        3.  To develop scientifi c views.
                                        4.  To develop self-acting and independent thinking.
                                      Format—The problem of students is presented. Almost all the students try to solve a problem. Each
                                      student is provided the complete freedom to think and work individually. Various techniques are
                                      used to solve the problem. They explore the facts of the problem and think about the possible solution.
                                      Discussion is also carried on when required and they go the library to read books. Teacher inspires for
                                      these activities. Teacher replies to students and makes them familiar with the necessary resources and
                                      Features—It has following features –
                                        1.  Students observe and develop a sense of curiosity which develops the scientifi c approach.
                                        2.  The spirit of self-dependency develops in students.
                                        3.  Teacher comes in contact with each student, examines their actions and gives them suggestions.
                                        4.  In this method, the student has to be more active. Therefore, it is based on modern Arrangement
                                        5.  It is based on psychological Acts. It is an opportunity to learn by working.
                                        6.  Develops the students’ reasoning and imagination power.
                                      Limitations—It has following limitations—
                                        1.  It can’t be included in the primary classes. It can be used successfully in higher classes.
                                        2.  It takes more time for teaching and learning facts. It is more wastage of time. Many efforts of students
                                          become wasted.

                   86                               LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY

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