P. 96
Educational Technology
Notes 8.7 Summary
• Philosophy determines the components of education. Philosophy is considered as the principle side
of education. Philosophy has given various education and training methods.
• The purpose of teaching process is to create learning circumstances in which students can get the
experience of learning. Verbal and nonverbal interactions of class-teaching generate the learning
circumstances in which students get the experience to learn from senses.
• Rein developed educational excursion by which geography, nature study, history and other subjects
can be taught actually.
• The planning and implementation of educational excursions do the excursions to the achievement
of objectives and the student can receive possible knowledge.
• The method of educational excursion can be easily used in geography, history, nature studies, botany,
commerce, economics, civics Education, agriculture and algebra etc.
• Planning method is considered innovative method of teaching. Its development is a result of social
trend in education.
• ‘Socrates’ is considered to have a significant contribution in this type of teaching methods. This
teaching strategy includes the participation and functionality of teacher and students.
• Socrates’ method is also known as the method of questioning. This is the ancient method of teaching.
Socrates—The famous philosopher of Athens was the founder of this method.
• The English word Heuristics is derived from the Greek word ‘Heuristiks’. It means—I will fi nd out.
Its main purpose is to awaken search trend. Its founder was Armstrong.
• Group discussion has no common definition. It is believed to be a democratic method, because the
students have to be more active.
• It is considered as democratic strategy of teaching. Its main purpose is to smooth the skills of students
in the criticism.
8.8 Keywords
• Strategy—Method, Planning for work-out
• Group—A number of more then two people
8.9 Review Questions
1. Write the format and features of role playing strategy.
2. Explain educational excursion.
3. Write the meaning and definition of educational excursion.
4. Elaborate the use and importance of educational excursion.
5. Explain the format, acts and features of historical discovery strategy.
6. Discuss Question-Answer Strategy
7. Explain brain storming.
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Educational Technology 90 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 90