P. 91
Unit–8: Group-Controlled Strategies
8.6.1 Question-Answer Strategy Notes
Role—Socrates’ method is also known as the method of questioning. This is the ancient method of
teaching. Socrates—The famous philosopher of Athens was the founder of this. The idea was that
the teachers should introduce the learning contents in such a way that the child can assimilate him
to discern the truth. Socrates’ learning process is divided into three stage progression—observation,
experience and testing. Learning contents are presented in front of students in the form of questions
through subjective methods.
Format—Question method consists of three steps—
1. Preparation of questions in an organized manner.
2. To present them in an appropriate manner to the children so that curiosity of knowledge can be
generated in them.
3. Providing new knowledge by establishing a relation with their replies. The teacher understands the
perception of children by their replies to questions and inspires them to learn.
Act—Following are the three levels of using the question method—
1. To prepare child-friendly questions according to their previous knowledge, mental ability and
2. To provide questions for the mental development.
3. Another question is asked by relating his reply to first question which provides innovative knowledge
to children.
Example—Chapter ‘wheat yield’
Teacher : Where do India’s most people live?
Students : In villages.
Teacher : What do people living in villages?
Students : Do farm work.
Teacher : What is high grain harvest?
Student : wheat and rice.
Thus teacher can develop the lesson convincingly with the help of questions and make his teaching
effi cient.
Features—main features are as follows—
1. The child’s mental level, his needs and interests are taken into account in this method.
2. In question method, student becomes a little more active and his attention is focused.
3. New knowledge is provided by establishing a relationship to the prior knowledge of the child.
4. Boys are given more opportunities to think for themselves, causing them to holds curiosity to acquire
new knowledge.
5. This method is based on the regulations of psychology.
6. It is more useful for primary and secondary classes.
7. This method is more emphasized during the training period in educational institutions and the
students become more active.
8. There is no problem of indiscipline in the classroom; all students have to be active.
Limitations—The major limitations are as follows—
1. It is not useful for high classes but it has to be used in the lecture method.
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Educational Technology 85 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 85