P. 88
Guidance and Counseling
Notes achievement, present plans and programmes and future plans and perspectives, the policies
in respect of admission, changes of courses, participation in activities.
(ii) Courses Orientation : Familiarising with the varied courses and combinations allowed,
the arrangement of co-curricular activities, hobbites, etc.
(iii) Facility Orientation : Familarising with the facility of freeships fee concenssions
scholarships, loans, part-time jobs, fellowships—how and when and to whom to apply
and through whom the aplications are to be routed.
(iv) Testing : Arranging testing programme to help +12 students in the selection or T.D.C.
(v) Educational Talks : Giving educational talks on how to study effectively for maximum
gain, budgeting time, taking class-room notes, using leisure profitably, getting the best
out of college/university education, adjusting ith college university teachers, classmates,
senior and junior students, choosing friends of the right type, living in hostels, etc.
(vi) Films shows : Some films may be shows on the running of some famous colleges and
These activities should be completed during the first month of running of some famous
colleges and universities.
3. Orientation programme for the partents/guardians of the students : Efforts should be made
to invite as many parents possible for the orientation programme to tell. What does a
university/college offer and how their wards can benefit. This will help the students.
This activity may be taken up in the second week of the first month.
4. Starting the Cumulative Record Card : Cumulative Record Card contains different types of
information regarding the student. Its entires can be made by the tutor or adviser in the
college and teachers or advisers in the universities in the third week of the first month of
the academic session.
5. Identification of low and high achievers and students with speech, hearting and reading
handicaps : This may be taken up after the first terminal test of first semester examination
so that they may be given special attention and guidance for a purposeful career.
6. Identification of problem students : This can done during the first three months.
7. Personality counseling for low achievers and students with other problems or sending
them to specialists : This is to enable them to make a satisfactory adjustment to the demands
of college/ university life and to assist them to obtain deeper insight into their own
personalities through which they may resolve personality conflicts, and lower the level of
anxiety and improve performance.
(B) Three Year Degree Course II Year in Colleges
1. Collection of data about new students
(i) The home and family background of the students.
(ii) The educational achievement of the students.
(iii) The achievement of the student in co-curricular activities.
(iv) Any special feature or limitation.
2. Supplementary orientation programme : Familiarising the students regarding any change
in courses, policies regarding admission and evaluation.
3. Remedial programme for the weak and enrichment programme for he talented : This may
be done in second month of the new academic session.