P. 146

Educational Management

                   Notes          1.  Task Orientation (TO) : This means that extent to which a manager is able to direct his own
                                     and his subordinate’s efforts toward goal attainment.
                                  2.  Relationship Orientation (RO) : This means the extent to which a leader or a manager is likely
                                     to have personal job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinate’s ideas
                                     and consideration of their feelings.
                                  3.  Effectiveness : This means the extent to which the leader  achieves the goal for which his or her
                                     position is responsible. It is a continuous scale and not an “either-or” dimension.
                                  Situational Contingencies : In order to diagnose the situation in which leadership has to be exercised
                                  Reddin suggested a five factor criterion. These five factors are :
                                  1.  Psychological climate
                                  2.  The technology used
                                  3.  Relationships with superiors
                                  4.  Relationship with co-workers

                                  5.  Relationship with subordinates.
                                  Taking into consideration these five characteristics of the leadership situation one can understand
                                  it and evaluate it with a view to find out a more appropriate leadership style.
                                  Leadership Style : This theory identifies basic four styles of leadership :
                                  A. Low task-low relationship style
                                  B.  Low task-high relationship style
                                  C.  High task-low relationship style
                                  D. High task-high relationship style

                                  Reddin said that these leadership styles are effective in different situations. None of them is universally
                                  effective. Thus, effectiveness of a style depends on the situation in which it is used. In addition to
                                  four basic styles of leadership, Reddin has described four effective and four ineffective styles.

                                  Effective Styles
                                  1.  Executive Styles : This means a great deal of concern for both the task (TO) and people (RO).
                                     A manager using this style is a good motivator of workers. He sets high standards, recognizes
                                     individual differences and utilizes team management with a view to achieve the well-defined
                                     goals of the organization.
                                  2.  Developer : This refers to the style in which there is maximum concern for the people (RO) and
                                     minimum concern for the task (TO). A manager using this style has trust in people and is
                                     mainly concerned with developing them as individuals.
                                  3.  Benevolent Autocrat : This style gives maximum concern to task (TO) and minimum to people
                                     (RO). A manager using this style knows well what he wants and how to get it without causing
                                  4.  Bureaucrat : This style gives minimum concern to both the task (TO) and the people (RO). A
                                     manager using this style is mainly interested in the rules. He tries to maintain and control the
                                     situation by using his power and authority as vested in statutes, rules and ordinances. But, at
                                     the same time, he is seen as conscientious.
                                  Ineffective Styles
                                  1.  Compromiser : This style considers both the task (TO) and the people (RO) extremely important
                                     in a situation that requires emphasis only on one or neither. The leader using this style is a poor
                                     decision maker and is easily influenced by pressure.

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