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Educational Management

                   Notes             The main purpose of the symposium is to provide the understanding to the students or listener
                                     on theme or problem specifically to develop certain values and feelings.
                                  (9) Panel Discussion Technique
                                     All techniques of higher learning require the discussion among the participants. The discussion
                                     provides the equal opportunities in the instructional situation to every participant.
                                     The discussion technique of learning is based on the modern theory of organization. The
                                     assumption of this theory is that every member of the organization has the capacity to initiate
                                     and solve the problem and brings certain attitude and value to the organization. Thus,
                                     interactional technique is the most appropriate in democratic way of life.
                                     This technique at the first time was used by Herry A Ober Street in 1929. He organized a discussion
                                     for small group to definite period for the audience. At the end of the discussion audience had
                                     also participate. The important questions were put by the audiences on the topic. The experts
                                     tried and answer the questions and certain points were clarified, which were not included in
                                     the discussion.
                                     Generally this type of panel discussion are organized on television and radio. The current topic
                                     are considered for such programme.
                                  (10) Teacher’s Behaviour
                                     Teacher’s Behaviour is another important element of the situation. His activities are very complex
                                     and difficult to analyse. It has been rightly said that “teaching can be best understood not a
                                     single activity but as a whole family of activities.” Some people are on the opinion that teaching
                                     is creative and, therefore, immeasurable. But still, the supervisor should observe the teacher in
                                     action. More and more efforts are being made to define the elements of teaching. One such
                                     efforts is the Flander’s System of Interaction Analysis the categories of the teacher’s talk are : (1)
                                     accepts felling, (2) praises or encourages, accepts or uses ideas of student, (4) asks questions, (5)
                                     lectures, (6) gives directions, (7) criticises or justifies authority; and the categories student’s talk
                                     are (8) student response, (9) student initiation, and (10) period of silence or confusion. In this
                                     system, verbal behaviour is recorded every three seconds over a specific period of time. The
                                     record shows the pattern of behaviour and pattern of sequence. Interaction Analysis is a
                                     descriptive and not an evaluative system and hat been found specially useful in teacher training.
                                  The supervisor should carefully observe whether the teacher encourages independence of action
                                  and good relationships of courtesy, kindness and consideration. The following outline can help the
                                  supervisor develop a check-list for observing a teacher’s lesson :
                                  (1) Physical Environment, whether neat and clear classroom, well-lighted and decorated, proper
                                     seating arrangement, etc.
                                  (2) Social Environment, whether stimulating security, good relationships, friendliness, orderliness,
                                     cheerfulness, pupils working together, etc.
                                  (3) Layout Teaching Lesson
                                     1. Introduction, whether based on previous knowledge, and naturally connected with the present
                                     2. Development, aims and objectives, whether realistic and appropriate, realised or not.
                                     3. Subject-matter, whether suitable and sufficient in quality and quantity.
                                     4. Methods and techniques, whether questioning suitable, standard, interesting and well-
                                        distributed, whether promotes spirit of inquiry, self thinking, observation, and remembering.
                                     5. Illustrative Aids, whether interesting, informative, relevant and appropriate in quality and
                                        quantity. Other techniques, whether properly planned and used. Important points, whether
                                        properly timed and emphasised. Pupils’ responses whether intelligent, spontaneous, relevant
                                        and correct.

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