P. 74
Unit 7: Transformations and Conformal Mappings
ap b
w(d cp) (ap b) w cp d cq d
w(d cq) (aq b) = K aq b = K cp d
cq d
The form of equation (1) shows that it represents a circle in the w-plane whose inverse points are
ap b and aq b . Thus, a circle in the z-plane transforms into a circle in the w-plane and the
cp d cq d
inverse points transform into the inverse points.
cq d
Also if K = 1, then equation (1) represents a straight line bisecting at right angle the join
cp d
ap b aq b
of the points and so that these points are symmetric about this line. Thus, in a
cp d cq d
particular case, a circle in the z-plane transforms into a straight line in the w-plane and the
inverse points transform into points symmetrical about the line.
Example: Find all bilinear transformations of the half plane Im z 0 into the unit circle
| w | 1.
Solution. We know that two points z, z , symmetrical about the real z-axis(Im z = 0) correspond
to points w, 1 , inverse w.r.t. the unit wcircle. (|w| 1 = 1). In particular, the origin and the
w |w|
point at infinity in the w-plane correspond to conjugate values of z.
az b a( z b/a)
w = =
cz d c (z d/c)
be the required transformation.
Clearly c 0, otherwise points at in the two planes would correspond.
Also, w = 0 and w = are the inverse points w.r.t. | w | = 1. Since in (1), w = 0, w = correspond
b d
respectively to z = , z = , therefore, these two values of zplane must be conjugate to each
a c
other. Hence, we may write
b d
= , = so that
a c
w = a z (2)
c z
The point z = 0 on the boundary of the half plane Im z 0 must correspond to a point on the
boundary of the circle | w | = 1, so that
1 = | w | = a 0 a
c 0 c