P. 414


                                           Example 13: Fit a parabolic trend Y = a + bt + ct to the following data, where t denotes
                                    years and Y denotes output (in thousand units).
                                     t  : 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
                                    Y :    2     6     7     8    10    11    11    10    9
                                    Also compute the trend values. Predict the value for 1990.
                                                                   Calculation  Table

                                               t    Y  X = 1985    XY   X Y  X  2  X  3  X  4  Trend Values
                                             1981   2       4      8    32   16   64  256     2 28
                                             1982   6       3     18    54   9    27  81      502
                                             1983   7       2     14    28   4    8   16      7 22
                                             1984   8      1       8     8    1   1    1      888
                                             1985 10        0         0    0    0    0    0     10 00
                                             1986  11        1       11   11    1     1   1     1058
                                             1987  11       2       22    44   4     8   16     10 62
                                             1988  10        3       30   90   9    27   81     1012
                                             1989   9       4        36  144   16   64  256      9 08
                                             Total 74       0        51  411   60    0 708
                                    From the above table, we can write
                                                      b =  =  0.85
                                                        9 411 60 74
                                                      c =          2  =   0.27
                                                         9 708   ( )
                                                        74    (0.27 )  60
                                                      a  =            = 10.0
                                      The fitted trend equation is  Y = 10.0 + 0.85X – 0.27X ,
                                    with origin = 1985 and unit of X = 1 year.
                                    Various trend values are calculated by substituting appropriate values of X in the above equation.
                                    These values are shown in the last column of the above table.
                                    The predicted value for 1990 is given by
                                                Y = 10.0 + 0.85   5 - 0.27   25 = 7.5

                                           Example 14: The prices of a commodity during 1981-86 are given below. Fit a second
                                    degree parabola to the following data. Calculate the trend values and estimate the price of the
                                    commodity in 1986.
                                                        Year  : 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
                                                        Price  :  110  114  120  138  152  218

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