P. 12

Unit 1: Differentiation and Integration: Differentiation of Monotone Functions


             1.  D f (x)   D  f (x) and  Df(x) Df(x)
                 If D  f (x) = D  f (x), then we conclude that right hand derivative of f (x) exists at the
                 point x and denoted by f  (x ). Similarly if D  f (x) = D  f (x), we say that f (x) is left
                 differentiable at x and denote this common value by f  (x ).
             2.  The function is said to be differentiable at x if all the four Dini’s derivatives are equal
                 but different than   , i.e. if
                 D  f (x) = D   f (x) = D  f (x) = D  f (x)
                          +               –
                 and their common value is denoted by f  (x).
          Properties of Dini's Derivatives
          1.   Dini’s derivatives always exist, may be finite or infinite for every function f.
          2.   D  (f + g)   D  f + D  g with similar properties for the other derivatives.
          3.   If f and g are continuous at a point ‘x’, then
               D  (f . g) (x)   f (x) D  g (x) + g (x) D  f (x).
          4.   D  f (x) = – D  (– f (x))
               and D  f (x) = – D  (– f (x)).
          5.   If f is a continuous function on [a, b] and one of its derivatives (say D ) is non-negative on
               (a, b). Then f is non-decreasing on [a, b] i.e.
                         f (x)   f (y) whenever x   y, y   [a, b].
          6.   If f is any function on an interval [a, b], then the four derivatives if exist are measurable.
          1.1.5 Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem

          Statement: Let f : [a, b]    R be a finite valued monotonically increasing function, then f is
          differentiable. Also f : [a, b]    R is L-integrable and
                                         f (x) dx  f(b) f(a) .
          Proof: Define a sequence <f > of non-negative functions, where f  : [a, b]    R such that,
                                n                             n
                                  f  (x) =  n f x  f(x) , x [a, b]                … (1)
                                   n           n
          and set f (x) = f (b), for x   b.
          By hypothesis, f : [a, b]   R is an increasing function, therefore f  : [a, b]   R is also an increasing
          function and hence integrable in the Lebesgue sense.
          Again from (i) we have
                                             f{x (1/n)} f(x)
                               Lim f (x) =  Lim            , x [a, b] ,
                               n   n     1/n  0   (1/n)

                                       = f  (x), a.e.

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