P. 35
Unit-6: Social Statics and Social Dynamics
time, should become united in one formation. It is not enough that these elements should united the notes
thinking of political organizations with those of social customs and ideas, but there should the correct
similarity between mans intellectual, moral and physical activities. If we take the person as a unit in
the social system, then the meaning of consensus is that there not much difference between the views
of most members of a society, and they have identical view–point on general matters of society and
through their similar thinking attempt to find the right solutions. The objective of social statics is find
the social consensus and to search out and arrive at a state of social stability. As Comte believed that
he was living in an era when the balance in society had been most by destroyed, therefore it was the
duty of Social Statics to study those condition which were necessary to re–establish social stability. In
this way, social statics is not limited to the study of the consensus, found in one place and one time.
Within its parameters come the study of the worldly/universal consensus of the past and present of
all societies.
The purpose of social – statics is that it introduces us to basic theoris of social system, so that realizing
its importance we can organize our social life in this way, that our social balance is not destroyed;
and a balanced development of human moral, physical and intellectual beings becomes simplified.
Comte believed that then the society was in a chaotic state. The powerful are exploiting the weaker
sections, who are eager to take revenge on their oppressors. The basic reason of this state is intellectual
chass. The intellectual level of most people is so ordinary that they are not aware of the basic rules/
laws of social system. One of the primary duties of social statics is to remove this deficiency, so that
a consensus is developed in society.
self assessment
Fill in the blanks—
1. Social Statics is that branch of _________, that studies society in its complete sections.
2. According to Comte, Social Statics is related to the _________ of the social organisms.
3. If we consider the person as a unit of _________, then concensus means that there should
not be much differences in the beliefs of most of its members.
Notes Compte seems to be much influenced by the consensus established by the medieval
catholic church.
He believed that religion had united music, art, science and industry under a vast religious system,
thus presenting a moral foundation for an influential political organization. Therefore Comte believed
that in this religion, there were many principles/ elements of social reformation, whose clear exposition
could be useful. According to him, it was because of these living and influential principles, this religion
was able to establish an vast European empire, without any bloodshed.
The difference between spiritual and worldly powers, is clear in the Catholic religion; and in this
way christianily made that element powerful, which could be used as a base by both king and serf.
Therefore medieval Catholic religion presents high quality example of a consensus. It is the work of
Social–Statics to analyse these systems and find out their inherent source of strength.
Did You Know? Comte believed that the theory of consensus are always similar/same,
whether they are natural laws of social system, real or obvious.
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