P. 36
Sociological Thought
notes social Dynamics
social Dynamics is the study of human progress or development. It is the science of human dynamics
which is both necessary unstoppable. Within this subject come laws that determine the orderly
development and change in society. Comte has declared that it is easy to prove that society always
changes in a particular order, and develops accordingly. This order is not completeley uncertain
necessary order, and similarities can be searched out. At the same time there is a continuity in the
progress of Social Status. Social Dynamics is a study of these laws.
According to Comte, the main theory of social Dynamics is that the present social status is the result
of the past social status, it is the indispensable driver of the imaginary future social status. With
this view, it is the objective of Social Dynamics to search out the laws which govern this continual
change and which govern this continual change and which govern this continual change and which
determine human development it its unity. The main duty of this science is to promulgate the real
and true theory of social progress.
According to Comte, Social Dynamics collects its facts/principles from history; therefore it is a science
of history. It just does not stop at studying the present and past of social status, but stars with the
subject social productivity from history. These theories that define the past, also tell us about the
future. Comte has claimed that social Dynamics proves that (a) that the dead rule over the living (b)
that man is becoming more and religious.
Task Compare the social related classification of Durkhim with the classification of
6.2 summary
y From the above statements, it is clear that Comte was an extraordinary talented and capable
thinker. This is apparent after analyzing his ideas, that Comte in every belief of his was ahead
of his times.
y In Comte’s thinking, religion and science came close to each other, met each other, then united
with each other, then united with each other. In this great unity of religion and science, even
today, lies hidden the formation shape of world brotherhood and world peace.
y Of the theories present by Comte, the most popular are, positiveness or Scientific Stage; the
rules/ laws of the three stanges; hierarchy of sciences; Social Statics and Social Dynamics as
the two division of Sociology; family; religion of humanity etc.
y Besides developing original social theories, Comte collected and co–ordinated the ideas of
earlier scholars. This is one quality of his extraordinary capabilities.
6.3 Keywords
1. social statics : This ideology is applied to the static part of society or its social reformation
and its various inter–connected divisions and extended relations to study and understood
2. social Dynamics : This is the study of the dynamic part of society that is its social
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