P. 72
Sociological Thought
Notes According to Marx, the production-process of necessary physical values for the
existence of life (food, cloth, shelter, equipment of production etc.) is the decisive
of social changes.
A person needs physical values (things) to survive. He produces to fulfill the needs and is needed to
productive forces for doing production. With it, he establishes the productive relations with other
persons in connection with the production. On other words, production process generates few definite
relations of production (as, the relations found among landlords and formers, owner and slave,
capitalist and labourer). These productive relations don’t depend on the spontaneity of person, but
are mandatory according to productive forces. These production relations mainly determine cultural
arrangements; it’s moral, religious, social and political thoughts and institutions of any era. When
social productive force gets any change, then production-relation also gets change with it and social
change happens after changement in production–relations. So, in brief it is the perception of Marxist
social change. Now we’ll deliberate extended of Marx’s thoughts in this subject which is following:
explanation of the theory
According to Marx all the changes only happen after consequently changes in production-process.
There are two sides of this production-process—first , productive-force (which made with the
combination of equipment’s of production , labourer and production-experience labour- skills) , and
second , relations of production. It is a very important specialty of production-process that it is not
stable in any stage till more time, but always oriented towards change and development. With it,
from the changing in production-process the change in entire social arrangement, thoughts, political
opinions and political institutions gets inevitable, because from the changing in production-process
the re-construction in entire social and political arrangement is also mandatory.
The second important specialty of the production-process is that the change and development only
happens when there is a change and development in productive-forces and prior to this , the change
and development in equipment’s, tools, devices , etc. of production takes place. So productive-
forces are also changed and developed. The result of changing in social productive-forces is that the
production-relations of the human being related and based on this production forces are also changed.
However, it does not mean that production-relation does not affect productive forces, nor it means
that production-force is also not depending upon production-relation. Though the development of
production-relation depends upon development of productive-force, nevertheless production-relation
also effects productive-force and in such means that production-relation reduces or increases the speed
of productive-force. Both of these are connected in an appropriate manner with each other and the
entire social and political life and relation are also connected with it. marx has written very clearly that,
“Social relations are connected very tightly with productive-forces. On getting new productive-forces
human changes his production-process. They change their all social relations due to changing in their
production-process and career earning process. When quern was there then society was feudalistic;
steam-mill makes such society in which industrial capitalistic is be dominated.”
Did You Know? The mystery of social change is hidden in production-process itself.
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