P. 245

Accounting for Companies-I

                    Notes          One of the allottees (using forms marked with the name of the Seth) for 2,000 shares, fails to pay
                                   the amount due to allotment all other money due being received in full including any due from
                                   the share devolving upon the underwriters. The commission due is paid separately.
                                   The shares of the indifferent allottees are finally forfeited by 30.6.2005 and are reallotted for
                                   payment in cash of   4 per share.

                                   You are required to pass summary journal entries to record the above events and transactions
                                   (including cash).
                                            Statement showing  the  Liability  Underwriters  of  underwriters  in  Shares

                                                    Particulars                  Total
                                                                                             Seth      Shetty
                                   Gross Liability                              10,00,000   5,00,000   5,00,000
                                   Less: Marked applications (excluding firm applications)   8,40,000   5,00,000   3,40,000
                                                                                 1,60,000      Nil     1,60,000
                                   Less: Relief of Unmarked Applications          80,000     40,000     40,000
                                                                                  80,000    –40,000    1,20,000
                                   Less: Firm underwriting                        40,000    –20,000     20,000
                                                                                  40,000    –60,000    1,00,000
                                   Less: Surplus of Seth given to Shetty             –      +60,000     –60,000
                                   Net Liability                                  40,000       Nil      40,000
                                   Add: Firm Underwriting                         40,000      20,000    20,000
                                   Total Liability                                80,000     20,000     60,000

                                     Notes  Firm applications are assumed to be included in marked applications.

                                                       Journal  Entries in  the books  of Plentiful  Ltd.
                                       Date               Particulars                 L.F.
                                    Jan. 31     Bank Account                  Dr.           24,00,000
                                                   To Equity Share Capital Account.                   24,00,000
                                                (Being receipt of application money on
                                                9,60,000 shares @   2.50 per share)
                                    March 31    Equity Share Allotment Account   Dr.        24,00,000
                                                   To Equity Shares Capital Account                   24,00,000
                                                (Being application money transferred to
                                                share Capital Account)
                                    March 31    Equity Share Allotment  Account   Dr.       28,80,000
                                                   To Equity Share Capital Account                    24,00,000
                                                   To Share Premium Account                            4,80,000
                                                (Being allotment money due on 9,60,000
                                                shares  @     3  per  share  including

                                    March 31    Bank Account                  Dr.           28,74,000      Contd...
                                                   To Equity Share Allotment  Account                 28,74,000
                                                (Being  receipt  allotment  money  on
                                                9,60,000 shares expect 2000 shares)
                                    March 31    Shetty                        Dr.            2,20,000
          238                               LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
                                                   To Equity Shares Capital Account                    2,00,000
                                                   To Shares Premium Account                            20,000
                                                (Being  allotment  of  40,000  shares  to
                                                Shetty as per underwriting agreement)
                                    March 31    Bank Account                  Dr.            2,20,000
                                                   To Shetty                                           2,20,000
                                                (Being  receipt  of  the  money  on  40,000
                                    March 31    Underwriting Commission Account   Dr.        5,25,000
                                                   To Seth                                             2,62,500
                                                   To Setty                                            2,62,500
                                                (Being  commission  due  @  5%  in  the
                                                issue  price    10.50  of  10,00,000  shares
                                                distributed equally)
                                    March 31    Seth                          Dr.            2,62,500
                                                Shetty                        Dr.            2,62,500
                                                   To Bank Account                                     5,25,000
                                                (Being   payment   of   underwriting
                                    June 30     Share Capital Account         Dr.             10,000
                                                Share Premium Account         Dr.              1,000
                                                   To Share Allotment Account                            6,000
                                                   To Share Forfeited Account                            5,000
                                                (Being forfeiture of 2,000 shares for non
                                                payment of allotment money)
                                    June 30     Bank Account                  Dr.              8,000
                                                Shares Forfeited Account      Dr.              2,000
                                                   To Equity Share Capital Account.                     10,000
                                                (Being  forfeited  shares  reissued  @    4
                                                per share)
                                    June 30     Shares Forfeited Account      Dr.              3,000
                                                   To Capital Reserve Account                            3,000
                                                (Being  transfer  of  profit  on  sale  of
                                                reissue of forfeited shares)
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