P. 327

Accounting for Companies-I

                    Notes                   (b)  Commission paid to sole selling agents within the meaning of Section 294 of
                                                 the Act.
                                            (c)  Commission paid to other selling agents.

                                            (d)  Brokerage and discount on sales, other than the usual trade discount.
                                       (ii)  (a)  In the case of manufacturing companies :
                                                 (1)  The value of the raw material consumed, giving items-wise break up
                                                      and indicating the quantities thereof. In this break-up, as far as possible,
                                                      all-important basic raw materials shall be shown as separate items. The
                                                      intermediates of components procured from other manufacturers may,
                                                      if their list is too large to be included in the break-up, be grouped under
                                                      suitable headings without mentioning the quantities, provided all those
                                                      items, which in value individually account for 10% or more to the total
                                                      value of the raw material consumed, shall be shown as separate and
                                                      distinct items with quantities thereof in the break-up.
                                                 (2)  The opening and closing stock of goods produced giving break-up in
                                                      respect of each class of goods and indicating the quantities thereof.
                                            (b)  In the case of trading companies, the purchases made and the opening and
                                                 closing stocks, giving break-up in respect of each class of goods traded in by
                                                 the company and indicating the quantities thereof.
                                            (c)  In the case of companies rendering or supplying services, the gross income,
                                                 derived from services rendered or supplied.
                                            (d)  In the case of a company, which falls under more than one of the categories
                                                 mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) above, it shall be sufficient compliance with the
                                                 requirements therein, if the total amounts are shown in respect of the opening
                                                 and closing stocks, purchase,  sales and consumption of raw material  with
                                                 value and quantitative break-up and the gross income from services rendered
                                                 is shown.
                                            (e)  In the case  of other  companies, the  gross income  derived under different


                                     1.   The quantities of raw materials, purchases, stocks and the turnover, shall be expressed
                                          in quantitative denominations in which these are normally purchased or sold in the
                                     2.   For the purpose of the items (ii) (a), (ii) (b), (ii) (d) the items for which the company
                                          is holding separate industrial licenses, shall be treated as separate classes of goods,
                                          but where a company has more than one industrial license for production of items
                                          covered, or the same items at different places or for expansion of the licensed capacity,
                                          the items covered by all such licenses shall be treated as one class. In the case of
                                          trading companies, the imported items shall be classified in accordance with the
                                          classification adopted by the Chief Controller of Imports and Export in granting the
                                          import licenses.


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