P. 115

Accounting for Companies – II

                    notes          6.1.2  Differences between amalgamation and external reconstruction

                                   The points of differences are:
                                   1.   Amalgamation of companies involves liquidation of two or more companies, while external
                                       reconstruction involves liquidation of only one company,
                                   2.   Amalgamation  of  companies  results  in  combination  of  companies,  but  external
                                       reconstruction does not result in any such combination.
                                   6.1.3  Differences between absorption and external reconstruction

                                   The points of differences are:
                                   1.   Absorption of companies does not involve formation of a new company; however, external
                                       reconstruction involves formation of a new company,

                                   2.   Absorption of companies results in liquidation of one or more companies while external
                                       reconstruction results in liquidation of only one company.
                                   3.   Absorption  of  companies  involves  combination  of  companies,  whereas  external
                                       reconstruction does not involve any combination.

                                   6.1.4 features of the amalgamation, absorption and external reconstruction

                                   The features of amalgamation, absorption and external reconstruction are shown in the following

                                            table 6.1: features of amalgamation, absorption and external reconstruction

                                    Basis of Difference  amalgamation         absorption          external
                                    Liquidation     Two or more companies go  One  or  more  companies  One  and  only  one
                                                    into liquidation.    go into liquidation.  company   goes   into
                                    Formation  of  New  A  new  company  is  formed  Only the existing company  A  new  company  is
                                    Company         to take over the business of  acquires  the  business  of  formed   to   acquire
                                                    the wound up company.  the wound up company.  the  business  of  the
                                                                                             liquidated company.
                                    Shareholders    The shareholders of the new  There   will   be   the  The shareholders of the
                                                    company  are  those  who  shareholders   of   the  new company are those
                                                    were in the old company.  purchasing   company  who  were  in  the  old
                                                                         only.               company.
                                    Level of Companies  The   level   of   the  The economic status of the  The economic condition
                                                    amalgamating companies is  purchasing  company  is,  of  the  old  company  is
                                                    generally same.      enhanced  in  comparison  found  to  be  unsound,
                                                                         to  that  of  the  liquidating  and a new company is
                                                                         company.            formed  to  rectify  the

                                   self assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:
                                   1.   External reconstruction of a company means the reduction of its share capital.
                                   2.   Absorption of companies results in liquidation of one or more companies.

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