P. 187

Accounting for Companies – II

                    notes          (5)   List E:   This list contains the unsecured creditors i.e. trade creditors and bills payable
                                   (6)   List F:   Paid up preferential share capital is shown in this list.
                                   (7)   List G:   This list is for issued and called up equity share capital.
                                   (8)   List H:   Finally concluded deficiency or surplus by Statement of Affairs is shown in this

                                             Box 9.1: prescribed form of statement of affairs, form no. 57 (see rule 127)
                                     In the High Court at —————————(Or) in the District Court at ————————

                                     Original Jurisdiction —————————   In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956.
                                                                       In the matter of ————————Ltd.
                                                                       Company Petition No. ————of 19——
                                                                       Statement of Affairs and Section 454
                                     Statement  of  Affairs  of  the  above  named  company  as  on  the  —————date  of  ——————19
                                     ————the date of the winding up order (or the order appointing Provisional Liquidator or the date
                                     directed by the official liquidator).
                                     I/we ————————of —————————do solemnly affirm and say that the statement made
                                     overleaf and the several lists hereunto annexed marked ‘A’ to ‘I’ are to the best of my/ our knowledge
                                     and belief a full, true and complete statement as to the affairs of the above named company, on the
                                     ————————day  of——————19————  the  date  of  the  winding  up  order  (or  the  order
                                     appointing Provisional Liquidator or the date directed by  the Official Liquidator), and that the said
                                     company carries/carried  on the following business:
                                     (Here, set out nature of company’s business). Signature(s)
                                     Solemnly  affirmed  at  —————————before  me———————this  ——————————day

                                     Commissioner for Oaths
                                     The commissioner is particularly requested, before swearing the affidavit, to ascertain that the full
                                     name,  address  and  description  of  the  deponent  are  stated,  and  initial  and  crossing  out  or  other
                                     alterations in the printed form. A deficiency in the affidavit in any of the above respects will entail its
                                     refusal by the court, and will necessitate its being re-sworn.

                                      Notes    The several lists annexed are not exhibits of the affidavit.

                                                     Box 9.2: statement of affairs and lists to be annexed

                                     Statement as to the affairs of —————————Ltd., on the ————————day of———————
                                     ————19 ——————————being the date of winding up order (or order appointing Provisional
                                     Liquidator or the dated directed by the Official Liquidator as the case may be) showing assets at
                                     estimated realisable values and liabilities expected to rank:
                                     Assets not specifically – pledged (as per List ‘A’)       Estimated realisable value
                                        Balance at Bank                ———       ———      ———        ———
                                        Cash-in-Hand                   ———       ———      ———        ———

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