P. 195

Accounting for Companies – II

                    notes                       Estimated balance of assets available for debenture-holders having
                                                a floating charge and unsecured creditors              52,50,000
                                   20,00,000    Unsecured Creditors as per list e
                                   35,00,000    Unsecured Loans                  20,00,000
                                   1,00,000     Trade Creditors                  35,00,000
                                                Contingent Liabilities            1,00,000
                                                (for bills discounted)                                 56,00,000
                                   67,50,000    Estimated deficiency as regards creditors (67,50,000 – 64,00,000)   3,50,000
                                                2,50,000 equity shares of ` 10 each as per list g      25,00,000

                                                Estimated deficiency as regards members as per list H   28,50,000
                                   Illustration 3
                                   Mudit Co. Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation on 1  January, 2011. From the following particulars,
                                   you are required to prepare (a) Statement of Affairs; (b) Deficiency Account:
                                   80,000 Equity Shares of ` 5 each fully paid up                       4,00,000
                                   6%; 40,000 Preference Shares of ` 10 each fully paid up              4,00,000
                                   5% First Mortgage Debentures Secured by a floating charge upon the whole of
                                   the assets                                                           2,00,000
                                   Fully Secured Creditors                                                60,000
                                   Partly Secured Creditors                                               40,000

                                   Preferential Creditor for Rates and Taxes                              12,000
                                   Bills Payable                                                          20,000
                                   Unsecured Creditor                                                   1,40,000
                                   Bank Overdraft                                                         20,000

                                   Bills Receivable                                                       30,000
                                   Bills discount (one Bill for 20,000 is likely to be bad)               80,000
                                   Book Debts —Good                                                       20,000
                                   Doubtful (estimated to produce 50%)                                    14,000

                                   Bad                                                                    12,000
                                   Shares in Shobit Ltd. (estimated to produce ` 70,000)                  90,000
                                   Shares in X Ltd. (estimated to produce ` 20,000)
                                   (given to partly secured creditors as security)                        30,000

                                   Land and Buildings (estimated to produce ` 80,000)                   3,00,000
                                   Stock-in-trade (estimated to produce ` 80,000)                       1,00,000
                                   Machinery and Tools etc. (estimated to produce ` 40,000)             1,00,000

                                   Cash-in-Hand                                                           20,000

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