P. 149

Cost Accounting – II

                                     Caution Whether  the  audit  is internal  or periodic,  it aims  at  providing  suggestions
                                     regarding improvements in effective cost account plan and reduces the additional cost
                                     audit work.

                                       (b)  Specific Cost  Audit: The  specific cost  audit is  arranged  by  customers,  business
                                            enterprises, government or special undertakings for some specific objectives. The
                                            objectives of specific cost audit can be divided into following categories:
                                            Cost Audit on behalf of Government: The government may appoint a cost auditor to
                                            conduct cost audit where it is necessary:

                                                To do so in the opinion of the government under section 233B of the Companies
                                                 Act, 1956,
                                                To ascertain correct cost of specific units when government is approached for
                                                 protection or related help,
                                                To ascertain correct  cost of contract given to private enterprise under ‘cost
                                                 plus’ method, and
                                                To fix reasonable prices of products.
                                            Cost Audit on behalf of a Customer: Sometimes, cost audit may be conducted on behalf
                                            of a customer when he agrees to pay price for a product on “cost plus” method. The
                                            customer in such a case gets cost accounts of the product concerned audited to establish
                                            correct cost so that he may be able to pay price on the basis of correct cost plus an
                                            agreed margin of profit.
                                            Cost Audit on behalf of Trade Association: Sometimes, a trade association may appoint
                                            a cost auditor to conduct cost audit:
                                                To ascertain comparative profitability of association of members,
                                                To determine minimum price to avoid competition among its members, and

                                                To maintain prices at various levels.
                                            Cost Audit on behalf of Tribunals: Sometimes, Labour Tribunals may direct the audit of
                                            cost accounts to settle trade disputes for more wages, bonuses, share in profit, etc.
                                            Similarly, Income-Tax Tribunals may also direct the audit of cost accounts to assess
                                            correct profit for tax purposes.

                                       (c)  Statutory Cost Audit: Statutory cost audit means that audit which is arranged to fulfil
                                            the provisions of a certain statute. It may be both financial audit and cost audit. Such
                                            audit of the accounts of the government departments and statutory bodies is conducted
                                            by the representative of the CAG of India.
                                   (ii)  On the basis of Nature: On the basis of nature, the cost audit is divided into following
                                       (a)  Propriety Audit:  This audit is the audit of such actions and plans of management
                                            which have a bearing on the finance and expenses of the company or enterprise. The
                                            cost auditor has to examine the following activities:

                                                Whether the size and channels of expenses were designed to produce the best
                                                Whether the return from expenses on capital as well as current operations
                                                 could not be bettered by some other alternative plan of action, and

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