P. 140
Unit 7: Sources and Methods of Data Collection
Saving of time: While filling the schedule, the researcher may use abbreviation or short Notes
forms for answers, he may also generate a template. All these steps help in saving of time
in data collection.
Personal contact: In the schedule method there is a personal contact between the
respondent and the field worker. The behaviour, and character of respondent obviously
facilitates the research work.
Human touch: Sometimes reading something does not impress as much as when the same
is heard or spoken by experts as they are able to lay the right emphasis. This greatly
improves the response.
Deeper probe: Through this method it is possible to probe deeper into the personality,
living conditions, values, etc., of the respondents.
Defects in sampling are detected: If there are some defects in schedule during sampling it
easily come to the notice and can be rectified by the researcher.
Removal of doubts: Presence of enumerator removes the doubts in the minds of respondent
on the one hand and avoid from the respondent artificial replies owing to fear of cross
checking on the other hand.
Human elements make the study more reliable and dependable: The presence of human
elements makes the situation more attractive and interesting which helps in making
interview useful and reliable.
Limitations of the Schedule Method
Following are the main limitation of the schedule method:
Costly and time-consuming: This method is costly and time consuming due to its basic
requirement of interviewing the respondents. This becomes a serious limitation when
respondents are not found in a particular region but are scattered over a wide area.
Need of trained field workers: The schedule method requires involvement of well trained
and experienced field workers. This involves great cost and sometimes workers are not
easily available forcing engagement of inexperienced hands, which defeats the purpose
trained of research.
Adverse effect of personal presence: Sometimes personal presence of enumerator becomes
an inhibiting factor. Many people despite knowing certain facts cannot say them in the
presence of others.
Organizational difficulties: If the field of research is dispersed, it becomes difficult to
organize it. Getting trained manpower, assigning them duties and then administrating
the research is a very difficult task.
Characteristics of a Good Schedule
The following are the essentials or characteristics of a good schedule:
Accurate communication: It means that the questions given in the schedule should enable
the respondent to understand the context in which they are asked.
Accurate response: The schedule should structure in such a manner so that the required
information are accurate and secured. For this, following steps should be taken.
The size of the schedule should be precise and attractive.