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Unit 3: Sources of Finance

            Hire Purchase                                                                         Notes

            Very similar to leasing is hire purchase except that in hire purchase, the ownership will  be
            transferred to the buyer after all the hire purchase instalments are paid up. With many non-
            banking finance companies  offering the  leasing and  Chire purchase of equipments, many
            companies are opting for this route to finance their fixed assets.

            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
            12.  Lease agreements are divided into two major ones – operating lease and ……………lease.
            13.  …………….. lease is for periods shorter than the useful life of the asset and is cancelable at
                 the option of the lessee.

            3.7 Deferred Credit
            The deferred credit facility is offered by the suppliers of machinery, whereby the buyer can pay
            the purchase price in instalments spread over a period of time. The interest and repayment
            period are negotiated between the supplier and the buyer.

               Notes  Bill rediscounting scheme, supplier’s line of credit, seed capital assistance and risk
              capital foundation  schemes offered by financial institutions are examples of  deferred
              credit scheme.

            3.7.1  Capital Assistance Seed

            The seed capital assistance scheme is designed by IDBI for professionally or technically qualified
            entrepreneurs and/or persons possessing relevant experience, skills and entrepreneurial traits.
            The project cost should not exceed   2 crores and the maximum assistance under the project will
            be restricted to 50% of the required promoters contribution or   15 lacs whichever is lower.
            The seed capital assistance is interest free but carries a service charge of 1% for the first five year
            and 10% p.a. thereafter. However, IDBI will have the option to change interest at such rate as
            may be determined by IDBI based on the financial position and profitability of the company.
            The repayment schedule is fixed depending  upon the repaying capacity of the unit with an
            initial moratorium up to five years.

            For projects with a project cost exceeding   200 lacs, seed capital may be detained from the Risk
            Capital and  Technology Corporation Ltd. (RCTC).  For small  projects costing  upto    5  lacs,
            assisted under the Natural Equity Fund of SIDBI may be availed.

            3.7.2  Government Subsidies
            The central and state governments provide subsidies to industrial units located in backward
            areas. The central government has classified backward areas into three categories of districts: A,
            B and C. The central subsidies applicable to industrial projects in these districts are:
            1.   Category  A  Districts-25% of  the  fixed capital  investment  subject to  a  maximum  of
                   25 lakh
            2.   Category B Districts-15% of the fixed capital investment subject to a maximum of   15 lakh

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