P. 59

Unit 3: Sources of Finance

                                    Alternative I: Lease the Equipment                            Notes

                  Year      Lease        Tax      Net Cash    PV Factor   PV of Net
                             Rent     Savings @   Outflow      @ 15%       Cash
                                        35%                              Outflows
                   0         4.00                    4.0       1.000       4.000
                   1         4.00       1.40        2.60       0.870       2.262
                   2         4.00       1.40        2.60       0.756       1.966
                   3                    1.40        (1.40)     0.658       (0.921)
                                              Total P.V of net cash outflows    = 7,307

              Suggestion: The present value of net cash outflows is lowest, if the equipment is purchased
              by taking a loan from the bank. Hence it is suggested to consider Alternative I.

            3.8 Summary

                Financial needs of a business: The financial needs of a business may be grouped into three
                 categories which are Long-term, Medium-term and Short-term financial needs.
                Long-term Sources of finance of a business include Share capital, Debentures/Bonds of
                 different types, Loans from financial institutions and Venture capital funding
                Short-term Sources of finance includes Trade credit, Commercial banks, Fixed deposits for
                 a  period of 1 year or less, Advances received from customers and Various short-term
                In recent times in India, many companies have raised long-term finance by offering various
                 instruments to public like deep discount bonds, fully convertible debentures, etc.

                In India, specialized institutions provide long-term financial assistance to industry.
                Bridge finance refers to loans taken by a company normally from commercial banks for a
                 short period, pending disbursement of loans sanctioned by financial institutions.

                CP is a source of short-term finance to large firms with sound financial position.
                The venture capital financing refers to financing of new high risky venture promoted by
                 qualified entrepreneurs who lack experience and funds to give shape to their ideas.

                A lease is a contractual arrangement under which the owner of an asset agrees to allow the
                 case of its asset by another party in exchange of periodic payments (lease-rental) for a
                 specified period.
                The seed capital assistance is interest free but carries a service charge of 1% for the first five
                 year and 10% p.a. thereafter.
            3.9 Keywords

            Commercial Paper: It represents a short-term unsecured promissory note issued by firms that
            have a fairly high credit (standing) rating.

            Income Note: It is a hybrid security, which combines the features of both conventional loan and
            conditional  loan.
            Inter-corporate Deposits (ICDs): A deposit made by one firm with another firm is known as
            Inter-corporate  Deposits.

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