P. 64

Financial Management

                      Notes         7.   EVA provides  for better assessment of  decisions that  affect balance sheet and income
                                         statement or trade-offs between each through the use of the capital charge against NOPAT.
                                    8.   Long-term performance that is not compromised in favor of short-term results.
                                    9.   EVA decouples bonus plans from budgetary targets.

                                    10.  EVA covers all aspects of the business cycle.
                                    11.  EVA aligns and speeds decision making, and enhances communication and teamwork.
                                    12.  Provision of significant  information value  beyond traditional accounting measures of
                                         EPS, ROA and ROE.
                                    13.  Goal congruence of managerial and shareholder goals achieved by tying compensation of
                                         managers and other employees to EVA measures.

                                    14.  Annual performance measured tied to executive compensation.

                                       Did u know? Cola-Cola is one of the many companies that adopted EVA for measuring its
                                       performance. Its aim, which  was to create shareholders  wealth, was announced in its
                                       annual report. Coca-Cola CEO Roberto Goizueta accredited EVA for turning Coca-Cola
                                       into the number one Market Value Added Company. Coca-Cola’s stock price increased
                                       from $3 to over $60 when it first adopted EVA in the early 1980s. In 1995, Coca-Cola’s
                                       investor received $8.63 wealth for every dollar they invested.

                                    Self Assessment
                                    Fill in the blanks:
                                    5.   EVA eliminates economic distortions  of ………….to focus decisions on real economic
                                    6.   In case of EVA, ……………interest rates may be used for different types of assets
                                    7.   EVA combines profit centre and …………………concepts.

                                    8.   EVA decouples bonus plans from ……………..targets

                                    4.3 Evaluation of EVA

                                    Economic Value Added (EVA) vs. Earning Per Share (EPS)

                                    EPS is calculated by dividing the net profits  after interest, depreciation and  taxation by the
                                    number of equity shares issued by the company to find out the profits earned per share. This
                                    measure  is flawed because it  does not  consider the  equity cost  of capital  employed (i.e. it
                                    assumes that equity capital comes to the company for free). Naturally, when more funds are
                                    pumped into the company, the size of the business increases without necessary increasing the
                                    profitability. Also, EVA takes into consideration the total capital employed by the company—
                                    total shareholders’ fund (equity and accumulated profits) and total debt—and  finds out the
                                    difference between the earning and the cost of the capital employed.

                                       Did u know?  EPS can be improved without corresponding improvement in performance
                                       simply by issuing further equity at a premium.

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