P. 303

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

                    Notes          Securities come in a bewildering variety of forms – there are more types of securities than there
                                   are breeds of cats and dogs, for instance. They range from relatively straightforward to incredibly
                                   complex. A straight bond promises to repay a loan over a fixed amount of interest over time and
                                   the principal at maturity. A share of stock, on the other hand, represents a fraction of ownership
                                   in a corporation, and a claim to future dividends. Today, much of the innovation in finance is in
                                   the development of sophisticated securities: structured notes, reverse floaters, IO’s and PO’s –
                                   these are today’s specialized breeds. Sources of information about securities are numerous on
                                   the worldwide web. For a start, begin with the Ohio State Financial Data Finder. All securities,
                                   from the simplest to the most complex, share some basic similarities that allow us to evaluate
                                   their usefulness from the investor’s perspective. All of them are economic claims against future
                                   benefits. No one borrows money that they intend to repay immediately; the dimension of time
                                   is always present in financial instruments. Thus, a bond represents claims to a future stream of
                                   pre-specified coupon payments, while a stock represents claims to uncertain future dividends
                                   and division of the corporate assets. In addition, all financial securities can be characterized by
                                   two important features: risk and return. These two key measures will be the focus of this unit.

                                   12.1 Markowitz Risk-return Optimisation

                                   Dr. Harry  Markowitz is credited with developing the first modern  portfolio analysis model
                                   since the basic elements of modern portfolio  theory emanate  from a  series of propositions
                                   concerning rational investor behaviour set forth by Markowitz, then of the Rand Corporation,
                                   in 1952, and later in a more complete monograph sponsored by the Cowles Foundation. It was
                                   this work that has attracted everyone’s perspective regarding portfolio management. Markowitz
                                   used mathematical programming and statistical analysis in order to arrange for the optimum
                                   allocation of assets within portfolio. To reach this objective, Markowitz generated portfolios
                                   within a reward-risk context. In other words, he considered the variance in the expected returns
                                   from investments and their relationship to each other in constructing portfolios. In so directing
                                   the focus, Markowitz, and others following the same  reasoning, recognized the function of
                                   portfolio management as one of composition, and not individual security selection – as it  is
                                   more commonly practiced. Decisions as to individual security additions to and deletions from
                                   an existing portfolio are then predicated on the effect such a manoeuvre has on the delicate
                                   diversification balance. In essence, Markowtiz’s model is a theoretical framework for the analysis
                                   of risk return choices. Decisions are based on the concept of efficient portfolios.
                                   A  portfolio is efficient when  it  is  expected to  yield the  highest return for the  level of  risk
                                   accepted or, alternatively, the smallest portfolio risk for a specified level of expected return. To
                                   build an efficient portfolio an expected return level is chosen, and assets are substituted until the
                                   portfolio combination  with the  smallest variance at return level is  found. As this process  is
                                   repeated for other expected returns, a set of efficient portfolios is generated.


                                   The Markowitz model is based on several assumptions regarding investor behaviour.
                                   1.  Investors consider  each investment  alternative as  being represented  by a probability
                                       distribution of expected returns over some holding period.
                                   2.  Investors maximize one period’s expected utility and progress along the utility curve,
                                       which demonstrates diminishing marginal utility of wealth.
                                   3.  Individuals estimate risk on the basis of the variability of expected returns.
                                   4.  Investors base decisions solely on expected returns and variance (or standard deviation)
                                       of returns only.

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