P. 16

Strategic Management

                    Notes          Table 1.1 summarizes the steps involved in each of the above elements of strategic management.
                                                     Table 1.1:  Steps  in  Strategic Management  Process

                                      Elements in strategy   Questions                Description
                                                              STRATEGY FORMULATION
                                                                  Strategic analysis
                                      Defining         What is our purpose?    Organizational purpose is generally articulated
                                      organizational   What kind of      in vision and mission statements. The first task
                                      purpose          organization do we   is, therefore, to identify vision and mission of
                                                       want to be?       the organization.
                                                                         Environmental analysis involves the gathering
                                                                         and analysis of intelligence on the business
                                                                         environment. This encompasses the external
                                                                         environment (general and competitive forces),
                                                                         the internal environment (resources,
                                                                         competences, performance relative to
                                                                         competitors), and stakeholder expectations.
                                                                   Strategic choice
                                      Objectives       Where do we want to   Objectives provide a more detailed articulation
                                                       be?               of purpose and a basis for monitoring
                                      Options analysis   Are there alternative   Alternative strategic options may be identified;
                                                       routes?           options require to be appraised in order that the
                                                                         best can be selected.
                                      Strategies       How are we going to   Strategies are the means  or courses of action to
                                                       get there?        achieve the purpose of the organization.
                                                            STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION
                                      Actions          How do we turn    A specification of the operational activities and
                                                       plans into reality?   tasks required to enable strategies to be
                                                        STRATEGY EVALUATION AND CONTROL
                                      Monitoring and   How will we know if   Monitoring performance and progress in
                                      control          we are getting there?   meeting objectives, taking corrective action as
                                                                         necessary and reviewing strategy.

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