P. 166

Lab on Computer Graphics

                   Notes                   scanf(“%f”,&Angle);
                                           a1=p+(x1 – p)*cos(Angle) – (y1 – q)*sin(Angle);
                                           b1=q+(x1 – p)*sin(Angle)+(y1 – q)*cos(Angle);
                                           a2=p+(x2 – p)*cos(Angle) – (y2 – q)*sin(Angle);
                                           b2=q+(x2 – p)*sin(Angle)+(y2 – q)*cos(Angle);
                                 Self Assessment Questions
                                    1.  Shearing  transformations  in  two-dimensions  alter  two  of  the  three  coordinate  values
                                      proportionally to the value of the third coordinate.
                                       (  a)  True                     (b)  False

                                    2.  Given a frame  we ………………………. a frame by transforming the third vector by adding
                                      a linear combination of the other two vectors.

                                       (  a)  (x,y,z)-shear            (b)  x-shear
                                       (  c)  y-shear                  (d)  z-shear
                                    3.  Shearing related to x axis: Transform coordinates …………………………and y1=y.

                                       (  a)  x1=shx*y                 (b)  x1=x+shx*y
                                       (  c)  x1=x+shx*x               (d)  None of these
                                    4.  Rotations around the x, y and z axes are called…………………...

                                       (  a)  axis of rotation         (b)  center of rotation
                                       (  c)  origin of rotation       (d)  principal rotations
                                    5.  X axis shear related to the reference line y–y ref is x1=x+shy(y – y ref) and y1=y.

                                       (  a)  True                     (b)  False
                                 10.3 Reflection

                                 Reflection in computer graphics is used to track reflective objects alike to mirrors and shiny
                                 surfaces. Reflection is achieved in a ray draw renderer by subsequent a ray from the eye to the
                                 mirror and then calculating where it bounces from, and continuing the process awaiting no
                                 surface is found, or a non-reflective surface is found. Reflection on a shiny surface like wood
                                 or tile can add to the photorealistic effects of a 3D rendering.

                                 Polished: A Polished Reflection is an undisturbed reflection, like a mirror or chrome.
                                 Blurry: A Blurry Reflection means that tiny random bumps on the surface of the material cause
                                 the reflection to be blurry.

                                 Metallic: A reflection is metallic if the highlights and reflections retain the colour of the reflective

                                 Glossy: This term can be misused. Sometimes it is a setting which is the opposite of Blurry.
                                 (When “Glossiness” has a low value, the reflection is blurry.) However, some people use the
                                 term “Glossy Reflection” as a synonym for “Blurred Reflection.” Glossy used in this context
                                 means that the reflection is actually blurred.

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