P. 254

Managing Human Element at Work

                        Notes            8. Be interesting. Read voraciously, and listen to learn, then teach and share everything you
                                           know. No one owes you their attention; you have to earn it and keep attracting it.
                                         9. Be nice. Be courteous, polite and respectful. Be considerate. Manners still count for an
                                           awful lot in life, and thank goodness they do.

                                        10. Be self-disciplined. That is what adults are supposed to ‘grow up’ to be.
                                        11. Do not be a victim or a martyr. You always have a choice, so do not shy from it:
                                           Choose and choose without regret. Look forward and be enthusiastic.

                                        12. Keep healthy and take care of yourself. Exercise your mind, body and spirit, so you
                                           can be someone, people count on, and so you can live expansively and with abundance.

                                                     Self-values should maintain in self-management of organization.

                                       11.7 Self-Management Skills

                                       Self-management skills are those abilities that allow an employee to feel more productive
                                       when doing daily routine regardless of the working environment. Well-developed self-
                                       management skills will help you efficiently communicate with co-workers, management and
                                       customers, make right decisions, plan your working time, and keep your body healthy.
                                       To define self-management skills, employers often organize special self-assessment training.
                                       Usually such training is conducted by the HR department (or external trainers are employed).
                                       To develop self-management skills, your company can organize self-development training
                                       Any employer is interested in hiring a productive employee having well-developed
                                       self-management skills because such an employee can fit into the company’s requirements
                                       and show better productivity. For employees, it is highly important to develop self-
                                       management skills and abilities because higher productivity paves the way for career
                                       promotion and professional advancement. In any way, both employers and employees will
                                       benefit from developing abilities and skills for self-management. Here is a list of the key
                                       self-management skills required for an employee to be more productive. If you have decided
                                       to achieve career advancement, you need to consider this best management skills list and
                                       work on the development of all the necessary abilities for self-organization.
                                       11.7.1 Stress-Resistance

                                       The first and foremost skill of self-management refers to a personal ability to resist any
                                       stressful situations. When you develop this self-management skill, you can avoid many
                                       mistakes that people usually make when being stressed out. Because a stressful situation
                                       usually blocks our ability to think and make rational decisions, we cannot cope even with
                                       the simplest tasks at our workplace, so our productivity goes down and we get frustrated.
                                       That is why you need to develop this ability in order to be a productive employee able to
                                       offer resistance to a stressful situation.
                                       11.7.2 Problem Solving

                                       The second self-management skill requires you to use your brain as a mechanism for making
                                       right decisions. Even the hardest tasks and challenges can be efficiently handled if the mental
                                       process in your head is always in progress. Problem solving requires you to operate facts
                                       and make right assumptions to analyze the situation, review problems, and find effective
                                       solutions. Keeping your mind sober allows you to take right decisions even in the toughest

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