P. 333
Unit 14: Quality of Work Life
QWL: It is “the degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy Notes
important personal needs through their experience in the organization”.
Social assistance: which the State finances the entire cost of the facilities and benefits is
provided. Here benefits are paid after examining the financial position of the beneficiary.
1. Write down the problems in quality circles.
2. Write report on labour welfare organizations in India.
14.9 Review Questions
1. What is the quality of work life?
2. Explain the approaches to improve quality of work.
3. Explain the quality circle.
4. What are the objectives and advantages of quality circles?
5. What is social assistance?
6. Define QWL.
7. Describe the social security.
8. Explain the health and safety.
9. Define ‘labour welfare’ and explain the principle of labour welfare.
10. What is job specification? And explain the determinants of job specification.
Answer to Self Assessment
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a)
6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a)
10. Central Government 11. wages
12. workmen’s compensation 13. maternity benefits 14. 1947
14.10 Further Reading
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, by Kären M. Hess,
Christine Hess Orthmann, Shaun Edward LaDue.