P. 70
Managing Human Element at Work
Table 3.1: Comparative Advantages and Disadvantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment
Advantages Disadvantages
1. The cost of recruiting internal 1. The internal sources are limited as
candidates is the minimum because there may be very limited source
no expenses are incurred on from which the organization has to
advertising paying TA/DA to the choose from. Therefore the
candidates to attend the written test organization may have to settle from
and advertisement. what is available to them.
2. The organization can pick the right 2. As the source is very limited we may
candidates having the requisite skills not be able to get the right type of
as they (the candidates are very well candidates. The entries of talented
known to the organization and we people available from outside are
do not have to make a decision in discouraged. It results in inbreeding
an interview. and the organization may lose out
on dynamism.
3. The organization has sufficient 3. Promotions based on length of
knowledge about the candidate and service rather than merit may prove
hence can make good choice. There is fatal for the organizations. Candidates’
a saying ‘known devils are better than know that they need not work hard
unknown angles!’ and prove their worth.
4. A policy of preferring people from 4. Recruitment form within may lead to
within motivates them to work hard infighting among employees aspiring
and earn promotions. It provides for limited higher-level positions in
career progression for the employees. an organization.
5. Internal recruiting offers regular 5. There is a possibility of favouritism
promotional avenues for the employees. practiced by higher level officers who
They will be more loyal and may select candidates for higher level
committed to the organization and positions not based on merit but
will work with enthusiasm. because of personal consideration.
Techniques of Job Posting and Bidding: Organizations may communicate information about
job openings through a process referred to as job posting and bidding. In the past, this
process has consisted largely of posting vacancy notices on bulletin boards. In addition, it
may also include use of designated posting centres, employee publications, special handouts,
direct mail and pub-address messages. Job posting is another way of hiring people from
within. In this method, the organization publicises job openings on bulletin boards, electronic
media and similar outlets. One of the important advantages of this method is that it offers
a chance to highly qualified applicants working within the company to look for growth
opportunities within the company without liking for greener pastures outside. Job posting
systems imply that the organization is more interested in selecting employees from within
the company than outside the organization. Here it is important that all employees have
access to the job postings.
Guideline for effective job posting and bidding system include:
• Posting all permanent promotion and transfer opportunities for at least one week
before recruiting outside the organization.
• Outlining minimum requirements for the position (including specific training courses).